• Chapter 27 • Memories

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I'm sorry for the late update

Alana's POV (Edited)

The week dragged on. When I thought, it would pass in a blink of an eye, it happened to be the totally opposite of it. The days and nights seemed to be stretched. Constantly reminding me that this is my reality. That the only person who I ever felt an ounce of affection and love towards is not going to be mine.

He's marrying someone else. And that too my cousin.

I had reminded myself so many times the same damn thing. Yet, still my mind seemed to be stuck on him and only him. I can't shake off the thoughts of how my future would have turned out if I got be to married to Christian. There's no doubt that he'll be a very good husband. He's a nice person inside and outside.

He would never treat anyone less. And that's what attract me about him the most in the first place. It's his ability to take care of people regardless of their relationship with him. Or rather their status. He doesn't care for these baseless societial norms.

When I first joined here, I still remembered how he challenged me. Apparently, not every girl can work with him. When he's a good person, he has his own defects too. He's short tempered, moody and grumpy. I was very scared of my job. I had no money then and landing this job was my only ticket in jump starting my writing career.

And for writing, I decided to put all my hard-work in this job. But most of all, I learnt. I learned how calculated and calm he is. I learned how he never treated his opponents any less sufficient than him. I think that's what led him towards the staircase of success. He doesn't show off. He doesn't necessarily claim to be the best businessman out there.

But he is. And deep down, he knows it.

My infatuation with him started when he first took care of me when I got sick. I was merely a year after my job. I still remember that eventful day. The day which kicked off my feelings for him. The day that now ultimately became the doom of my present.


My head  was painting. I can't concentrate on work. I glanced at the digital clock for the upteneeth time. It's only 12 in the noon. I haven't even completed half day and I almost felt like I had worked for ten decades. My head was throbbing loudly. I could feel the veins popping.

All I remembered that was I woke up to a strained neck and an aching body. But atleast, I got my chapter. All the writers out there would agree with me. But now, I'm really regretting my decision. I had been feeling funny since I woke up. But I brushed the feeling off. I thought of it to be a mild sleep deprivation.

But I think it's more than that. It reached to a point where I couldn't focus on the computer screen. The screen infront of me became blur. I blinked my eyes to get rid of the bluriness. It did vanished but my head was still aching. Deciding to turn off the computer, I brought out the files.

Mr. Volkov needed to sign on some documents. I grabbed those documents before standing up. A sudden wave of dizziness overwhelmed nearly stumbling me out of my balance. I grabbed the arm of the chair tightly. My vision blurred once again but I managed to composed myself.

You can do it, Alana.

With that said, I walked out of the office. I could feel my body tired. It felt like I was suddenly weighted 1000lbs. Each step was like moving iron. I somehow made my way towards the CEOs cabin. Upon reaching, I took deep breaths to calm myself down. I can't possibly have Mr. Volkov see me in this condition.

I cleared my throat before knocking on the door. When he permitted, I entered inside. He was busy typing away on his laptop.

"Sir, there are some documents for you to sign."

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