• Chapter 01 • CEO

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The first chapter is here everyone

Christian's POV (Edited)

Two Years Ago

"I can't believe it. It's the third P.A in the same month. Are you out of goddamn mind, Christian?"

My father's harsh and sleezy voice reached my ears the moment I set foot in his grand living area. To say it was grand, would be an understatement. It's a palace. The place stood on acres long. The palace type house looked perfectly immaculate from the outside.

The type that screamed old money to the whole world. People hoped to visit it once in their lives. An annual business gala was held every year so that other people could get a glimpse of how luxurious life is in the Grand Volkov Palace.

Dmitri Volkov loved to show off. He has money and luxury and he left no hook in showing it off to the world. In his true words it means 'showing the others that they can never fight Dmitri Volkov. He's gonna crush them and built the same palace with their remaining assets.' He's a physcho like that.

I tried to stay away from him as much as possible. But considering he's my father and the only living parent, my distance had to be in a limit. But I still kept my interactions with him as minimal as I can. He might be my father but he's not the person I want to spend even a second with. He might be my father but we're polar opposite.

He thrived on control. On power. On ruining every other being who dared showing him the mirror. Me on the other hand is more calm and calculated. Showing off money are cowards way out. Money can be today and not be tomorrow. Why dwell on a thing as trivial as money which future isn't even certain?

Maintaining close contacts and gathering every bit of information about everyone is what gonna help in the future. The secrets, the inside information is always certain. They're gonna help one way or another in the long run of future. But my father doesn't understand that. His ego is bigger than his sense of rationality.

"Hello to you father! I hope you're having as shitty day as I had been!"

I couldn't help but riled him up even more. I could practically see smoke coming out of his ears. His jaw clenched so hard, I thought it would break. Sadly, it didn't. He relaxed it before it can even tick. I settled on the sofa and put one leg over the another.

I poured myself a glass of whiskey before taking a sip. Hmm. One thing for sure. My father had a great taste in wine. Considering that's the only thing keeping him sane and somewhat human. Alcohol.

"You insolent fool! I didn't hand over the company so you could fire off your assistants like that. You're gonna let the company to it's ruins."

His usual dose of insult and humiliating words didn't even ring a bell in my ears anymore. I have been too immune to them that they don't even matter now. And that's what make him more jittery and angry. Me not paying attention to his words. His advices as he called them.

I had no motive to reply him but I took a sip before causally speaking

"No. You handed me the company because you feared your hidden skeletons would come out in open. You had to save your pathetic reputation. Imagine what the headlines would have been. "The Old Money business tycoon Dmiriti Volkov had been charged for Embezzlement and fraud." Ah! Not so good for a money lover person like you!"

His nostrils flared and eyes turned deep shade of red. His fists balled in and his jaw locked tightly. He looked ready to lash out. The younger me would have been shit scared of his outburst. He would have hide in a corner and prayed that his father won't hurt him. But that younger men is gone now.

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