• Chapter 23 • Ignorance

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Ramadan Mubarak to you all!!!

Alana's POV (Edited)

I don't know how I managed to reach home that day. All I remember was that, I changed into my night clothes and hit the bed straightaway. I was heartbroken, damaged and not in the right state of my mind. The words of aunt Tabitha kept ringing into my mind.

Like a damn tape recorder.

I don't know when I felt asleep. I was too much lost into crying that I didn't realize when I dozed off. As I woke up the following morning, my eyes were red and puffy. My face looked flushed and worn out. I looked like I aged ten years in just one day.

I tapped my face. I can't be like this. I need to find myself. I took a long and deep breath before I opened the tap. I splashed water on my face. I looked up and the reflection that stared back at me looked exhausted. Tired.

I exhaled. Fresh pair of tears started to form around my eyelids. But I refused to cry. He doesn't even deserve my cry anymore. I sniffled loudly to control my tears. No more crying, Alana. Get it together!

I decided to apply makeup. Because I can't handle employees asking me why I looked like a damn widow. I decided to dress up. A need to update myself ignited in my chest like nothing. I choose a plain white wife legged pants. I paired it up with red colored button down shirt which I tucked under my pants.

My blonde hairs were open. I brushed them and tied them in a low ponytail. I applied foundation, mascara, blush and lastly lipstick with a hint of lip gloss. It was not too much but enough to look I really did effort.

I checked the time and it showed close to 9. I need to leave soon for the office. I had no appetite. So, I skipped breakfast and exited my apartment. I settled down into my car before I pulled the car into the ignition and started my drive to the office.


I pulled the brakes as I reached the building's parking lot. I took a long breath. A small feeling of sadness appeared into my chest. My mind drifted off to the last night. How those few words broke my heart. How they managed to make me feel so worthless.

How I felt betrayed by the person I trusted the most. They say it right. Betrayal never comes from strangers. And it hurt ten times harder when it comes from someone who you admired and loved so much. No matter how much I tell myself that I'm ok. That all of it didn't affect me.

It's nothing but a lie. I'm only sugarcoating. Its hurting me. It's eating me from the inside. But I control myself. I need to be strong. I can't be weak right now. I won't sit down in a corner and waste my life while crying away. So, I better get myself together and strived on to my own life.

I stepped out of the car and inhaled the fresh air. I plastered the fake smile possible and headed towards the office building. I as routine passed a smile to the guard standing there. I walked inside and boarded the lift. Few employees were already inside.

By the looks of their faces, they looked to be gossiping something. In the back of my mind, I knew what they were talking about. But I acted nonchalant to it. I didn't matter. I need to stay away from other people's businesses. I waited for the lift to open at my floor. As it opened, I immediately stepped out.

I walked towards my cabin and settled inside. Immediately Rick and Denise, my two co-employees strolled inside my cabin. They are the official gossipers of our office. They knew every single juicy thing. Let's say they always have so many tea to share.

"Did you hear the news, Alana?"

I knew what the news will be. But I still acted nonchalant. They don't need to know about the relation I shared with my uncle. They were discreet about it and doesn't want anyone to know about our relation. I was too uninterested to care about it.

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