• Chapter 07 • Secret Glances

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New update

Christian's POV (Edited)

The moment those words left Aaron and Anastasia lips, the crowd went silent. Even I was stunned for a moment. That was absolutely not what I was expecting when he told me he invited me on dinner.

My eyes roamed around the room and I noticed everyone's expression. Sarah was practically blinking wide eyed. Kayden face looked like he saw a ghost. Well, that's not the expression I expected from him. And lastly, Alana.

She was the only person who was smiling. Forget smiling. She was full on beaming. Her eyes sparkles and her lips widened. Her face contorted into pure happiness. She was also the first one to break the silence

"Oh my god. Congratulations. I'm so happy for both of you. "

Ana smiled tearfully. Her eyes has turned glassy. Alana walked forward to give her a hug. That's when the other two also recovered from their shock. A loud shrill sounded in the room causing me to wince.

"Ahhh!! I'm gonna be an aunt. I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!!"

Sarah was practically screaming. Her shrill voice disturbing the once serene atmosphere. I could see the same unimpressed expression on Kayden's face. Like he's trying his best not to shut her up. Looks like I'm not the only one irritated by it.

But the thing that caught my attention was Aaron. He looked estatic. His eyes were glowing with proud. I never seen Aaron this happy. After what happened almost a year ago, he rarely smiled like this. He was always trapped in matters. But now, his face looked free. Free from worries. Free from anxiety. Free from every bad emotion.

He looked happy not just by face but by soul too. And that was it for me. He's my best friend and I want the best for him. I walked forward and patted him on the back.

"Best of luck for your new journey!"

He thanked. I noticed a little shiver in his voice too. Of course. Being a parent will bring so much responsibility. He had to think before doing anything now. Becoming a parent is not an easy task. But those who become, they put their best in it. And yet I have seen some who are not even caring towards their own children.

So, I hope that Aaron would be as great father as his dad.

"You're gonna a great dad. I'm sure about it."

I couldn't help but gave him some piece of assurance. He released a big breath before patting my shoulder

"I would hope so too. Thanks brother!"

I shook my head nonchantly.


Kayden who was quite since the starting, finally decided to speak up

"Uh...I'm going to be an uncle?"

It looked more of a question than a declaration. He actually looked confused. That's the first time I have seen him puzzled. Aaron and Anastasia both chuckled while Sarah teased

"Of course. Didn't you hear your sister?"

Kayden's eyes immediately clashed with her and something shine in them. It felt like he was giving her a warning. Sarah gave him alot of a headache so it's deserving.

She had a challenging look on her face and she even crossed her arms around her chest ready for a fight. But before they could go all rampage on each other, Anastasia spoke up

"Yes, Kayden. You're gonna be an uncle."

Kayden finally hug his sister. His hug was tight. It's like he was conveying his emotions through the hug. My eyes glanced at Alana and she was watching them with awe. Her eyes looked nostalgic. Wait! Is she crying? But why will she cry? I was about to head to her but Aaron's voice stopped me

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