✪ Episode 22| What If?

Start from the beginning

"What?" Harper asks "Today marks 21 years since the girl of my dreams was born!" Chase says, Harper chuckles.

"I'm serious, today is a special day" Chase lies down looking at her "Aw what did I do so good to deserve someone like you, Chay?" Harper caresses his face "I think it started with you not completing that mission" Chase smirk.

"Have you ever imagined what it would have been like if...I had joined Krane from the beginning?" Harper says "I think I was still going to make you seder" Chase says looking into her eyes.

"Really? Do you think I would still would seder if I...were Krane's only daughter and had a father-daughter partnership with him?" Harper says "Yeah, things were going to be different but we were going to end up together the same way" Chase says.

"Would you still fall in love with me?" Harper ask "Absolutely" Chase smirk, Harper sighs.

"Okay, thinking logically...what do you think it would be like?" Chase ask.

"Well...Krane had the initial plan to use the bionic secrets that Douglas gave him, on me, not on himself...but since I was rebellious he never trusted me enough for that, he thought I would stab him in the back" Harper says.

"So you were going to be bionic in the first place, not Krane" Chase says "Yeah... so..." Harper and Chase begin to imagine what it would be like...

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...Returning to the time when Douglas was frozen in an Davenport's remote facilities, after being tricked by Chase.

If Harper was Krane's only daughter and they had a close father-daughter relationship, she would never have worked at the Rock Cafe and would not have met Adam and the rest of the team as she would have been busy helping Krane with his plan.

Harper would have bionics instead of Krane and she would be the one to rescue Douglas from the ice cube, so Douglas would hack Mr Davenport's accounts and continue with the same plan.


Leo and Mr Davenport are in the lab after Adam, Bree and Chase disappeared when Perry found out about their bionics.

"I can't believe they're gone" Mr Davenport says "I should have been at school today. It's my job to watch out for them and I didn't, this all my fault!" Leo says.

"No it's not. It's not theirs either. I gotta find them" Mr Davenport goes to the cyber desk "I can't even use my cyber desk. Who is doing this to me?" Mr Davenport says.

"It's obviously a tech wizz who will do anything to destroy you and someone has interment knowledge of your life and Davenport Industries...Wait, I know who it is...It's your brother" Leo says.

"Leo, that's impossible...We froze Douglas in a block of ice. He's in one of my most remote facilities..." Mr Davenport shows Leo a picture, only to see that Douglas is free.

"What? That's impossible. He's gone. But how?" Mr Davenport says "Rewind the footage...There!" Leo points to the video that shows Harper, in her red uniform taking down the guards and breaking Douglas free.

"Wow! There's another bionic girl?" Leo says confusion "I don't know who that is...Douglas is free. That means Adam, Bree and Chase are in danger, we all are" Mr Davenport says, Douglas appears on every screen in the lab.

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