34. Wrong Side of the Bed

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I'M SORRY  I KNOW IT'S BEEN LIKE TWO WEEKS!!!! I've been so so so busy and just have not had time to write! So many of my friends have been back for Easter and I've met someone every day for the last 2 weeks.  This chapter is unedited because I'm lazy and I will try and get another one out but I'm away next week so there's no guarantee. Tysm to everyone who has stayed and is committed to this fic rather than assuming I've forgotten about it I'm so so sorry and I will try not to let it happen again  :'(

Take Me to Hawaii - A Tratie Fanfiction - Chapter 34 - Wrong Side of the Bed - Day 5

"That was mean." She'd complained though they both knew she didn't mean it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Kates." He grinned, not meaning his apology at all as he held the hem of his shirt before pulling it over his head and making his way up the bed until he held himself over her. "Let me make it up to you?"

She nodded, letting her eyes rake up and down his exposed chest. She stared at him - ogled at him if she was honest - and felt the flush on her cheeks as she pulled her lips into a smile. He grinned at her and then uttered the words she'd heard him say almost half a dozen times, "You're staring."

She wanted to shove his head away so that smug smile was smirking at anything but her. When she tried, her hand pushing gently against the side of his face, he caught her wrist. With his thumb against the pad of her palm, he tilted her hand back and kissed the spot above his fingers tenderly. He then pecked at the veins on her wrist as though ti send his kiss straight to heart. She felt it thud within her chest when he pressed her arm down onto the mattress and brought his affection to her face once more. And then hands were everywhere...

She had never been awake so fast in her life. Her eyes snapped open from her fantasy, and she blinked the remnants of sleep out of her eye, staring at the ceiling. What was that? Far more x-rated than kissing in a daisy field. Had her mind really conjured all of that up in a dream? Jesus. Or maybe holy water would be more appropriate.

Katie tried to sit up, longing to check the time or get some medication for the throbbing headache that slowly invaded her new-found consciousness. She couldn't move. A cylindrical weight slumped over her, preventing any escape she attempted. 

She glanced at it, not quite believing what she saw. Travis had slept in a position that Katie didn't believe was comfortable: lying on his stomach with an arm bent up and under his pillow whilst the other had hugged her lazily over her waist. His feet hung off the end of the bed, shoes still on.

Pulling her stare from him to look around as much as she could, she analysed the room. The bed they laid in was by the balcony doors. Her bed was peacefully unbothered by the bathroom. Shit.

How much of it was a dream? Surely, they hadn't actually slept together, right? I mean, he didn't like her like that, so surely he couldn't have. On the other hand, they both had drunk quite a bit last night. Who knows what they were influenced to do?!

She tried so hard to focus on what happened after they'd stepped into the elevator but only failed to recall the events that passed Travis hitting all the buttons. It felt foggy. Each time she thought she'd almost remembered it, it slipped away from her like trying to grip a bar of soap with wet hands.

As delicate of a touch as she could manage, she tried to move his arm from her. With one hand, she slipped her fingers under his forearm. The only issue was that she couldn't find the right angle to lift and move it up to the smidgen of free mattress between them. Using two hands now, she supported his forearm and his wrist and attempted to manoeuvre them off of her without waking him.

"You're in my bed," Travis said, both of them caught like a deer in headlights. He was awake. Great. She still held his arm in the air. 

"You're dreaming?" She lied, hoping to get out of an awkward discussion. "None of this is real?"

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