15. Never Again

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Take Me to Hawaii - A Tratie Fanfiction - Chapter 15 - Never Again- Day 1

"Okay, you're doing good, let it out." A calm and comforting voice said to her. She didn't quite know what had happened. Only a few hours ago she'd been sat by the pool drinking cocktails and feeling perfectly normal: now she had her head in the toilet bowl, the taste of acid on her tongue and a hand rubbing up and down her back.

Another hand came around to gently push her forehead up and out of the bowl. She leaned into the hand against her back and closed her eyes, the hand on her forehead moved to close the toilet lid and flush away her half-digested lunch. 

"Why did you do this to me?" She groaned, her voice hoarse. She returned to the now open toilet to cough, afraid she may throw up again. 

The hand on her back continued to rub up and down as she spluttered and felt the strange tightness around her jaw that she got before she was about to be sick. 

"Me?" Travis said from beside her, chuckling slightly. "I didn't do this to you, Kates."

"You introduced me to alcohol. It's all your fault." She coughed again, only leaning back to allow Travis to wipe over her mouth with the damp corner of a towel.

"I got you one drink, Katie," Travis said with a smile. He stood, leaving her alone on the floor to watch him fill her a glass of water. Katie was offended. How dare he leave her sat down alone! She knew this didn't make sense, that there was no real reason for her to be upset, but she was grumpy anyway. "You're responsible for the ten more after that. It's not my fault you have a lack of self-control."

"I had ten more drinks?" He returned to the floor beside her, she leaned against him. Everything was spinning, and she felt like she'd fall backwards if she didn't have something propping her up. He understood this and watched as she counted on her fingers the ten drinks he just mentioned, plus the one he got her. "Eleven! I had eleven drinks?"

He only laughed at her, placing the glass into her hand and supporting the base as she brought it up to her mouth.

"Nah. You had four... maybe five." He squinted, looking to the side as he mentally tracked the number of cocktails Katie had. "No, definitely four... Take small sips, okay?"

She nodded, the glass moving up and down making it harder for her to drink. She moved it away. Travis' hand settled a firmer grip on the cup base and he moved it to sit on the floor beside them.

"Four? That's not many." She whined.

"It appears that you're a lightweight, Katie." He chuckled, rubbing down her back one last time before standing and reaching his arms out to her.  She took his hands. He pulled her up slowly. He caught her when she stumbled. "This is what you get for being a law-abiding citizen."

"Shut up." She grumbled.

"Come on." He wrapped her arm over his shoulders and walked them out of the bathroom.

It had been hours since she'd had that first drink, but it felt like only moments ago.

"So?" Travis had said as she took a sip of the cocktail he'd recommended her. The sun was high in the sky, and Katie could feel her shoulders pinken from the UV rays. "What do you think?"

"Are you sure this is alcoholic? It just tastes like orange juice with extra sugar." She'd sipped it cautiously from the straw, knocking the paper umbrella to the side to have better access to the glass.

"It's alcoholic." He'd replied with a nod as they sat side by side on her sun lounger. "I thought this would be a good gateway drink for an alcohol virgin."

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