27. You vs Me

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Take Me to Hawaii - A Tratie Fanfiction - Chapter 27 - You vs Me - Day 3

The group laughed at a story Lavinia had been telling when the lights in the room dimmed. The queue to the bar dispersed and everyone began to return to their seats. Large red curtains pulled back slowly, swaying and drawing everyone's attention to the stage at the front of the room.

Rather dramatically lit, a man in a tuxedo stood with his back to the audience. His dreadlocked hair was pulled into a low twisted bun at the back of his head. He nodded along to a song that played over the speakers. It had the peppiness of a Mario Kart victory tune somehow combined with a disco-funk beat of club songs from the '70s. The man danced to it as though it was something that had rocketed to the number one spot of the top 40s. The room bustled in laughter and applause and even some whistles when he shook his hips, Katie felt embarrassed for him. He turned with his arms outstretched once he finished his dance and waved to everyone like those English TV presenters Ant & Dec before approaching a mic stand. 

"Good evening! How are my favourite vacation-goers?" The man spoke, taking the mic into one hand and pointing across the room with the other. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause. He sounded familiar. Something in the way he spoke. The almost bounce in his tone and the mask of confidence he hid behind. Katie squinted her eyes as if it would make her vision telescopic. Unfortunately, it didn't. He spoke again. "Glad to hear it! My name's Maunaleo, but because you're all so special," He blew a kiss into the audience and Katie could've sworn the cheers got louder. "You can call me Nalo."

He pressed a hand to his heart and bowed in thanks. Maunaleo seemed so different. He was confident and cocky and flirting with the audience to keep their attention. It seemed to work. But he wasn't just different through actions. Something had changed about him physically too. He stood straighter and moved in a way that had your eye following every motion. Every heel-toe in each step. The slight swing of his arm as he crossed the stage. Even his expressions were different. They were over-exaggerated and almost mischievous. But there was something else out of place.

Scanning his body as though trying to find a missing puzzle piece in a second-hand jigsaw, Katie grew annoyed. She turned to the table, preparing to ask them if they noticed the difference. Lou-Ellen beat her to it

"Where's Nalo's glasses?" Lou-Ellen whispered in a whine. Katie stole a second glance at the stage. That's what was missing, he wasn't wearing his glasses. Katie shrugged. Lou-Ellen only sighed "I liked his glasses. They gave him...an academic aesthetic."

"Like Milo Thatch?" Katie said. Lou-Ellen's eyes widened as if Katie had given her that missing jigsaw piece.

"Exactly!" Lou-Ellen spoke, not paying much attention to Katie. She stared at the stage, watching Nalo walk towards the side nearest them. He lifted his hand over his brow and squinted in their direction.

A glimpse of the Nalo they'd met earlier crept out as a large smile crept over his face. He waved, and Katie waved back. Lou-Ellen took a sharp breath, a rosy tint burning her cheeks. She looked away. Weird.

"I see some familiar faces in the crowd." Nalo chuckled. He sauntered to the other side of the stage lazily, crouching down to meet the crowd. He held his hand to the table nearest the stage. "Maurine! Great to see you again." 

Whoever 'Maurine' was, pinched his cheek. He kissed the hand she held his with and rose from his crouch. 

"Enough about me. We should get started!" The crowd erupted in cheers once more. He took his place behind a lectern that had been dragged onto the stage amidst the distraction. "On each of your tables is an envelope. Inside is a lined piece of paper, you should also have a pen. Write all your answers clearly on the sheet of paper. There are 30 questions and mystery prizes for first, second and third place."

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