37. The Drive

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I know! I'm sorry! I've been gone for ages again! Thank you all so much for your help with this chapter! I'm trying to include as much of everyone's suggestions as possible whilst keeping the story in line but this is requiring a lot more research (At this point I should just go to Hawaii to make writing easier) so do expect delays on the next couple of chapters. Needless to say, I'm really really happy to have all your input and it cured my writer's block so quickly! Thank you all again so so much <3<3<3<3<3

Take Me to Hawaii - A Tratie Fanfiction - Chapter 37 - The Drive - Day 6

Katie rummaged through her bag on the way to the car. It was a short walk, given that Travis had swung the vehicle around to park just in front of the hotel entrance, but just enough time to check she had everything. Sunglasses, the room key, flip-flops, sunscreen, a battery pack, her phone, a hat, a swimming costume and two small hand towels all in her beach bag. She had no clue what Travis was planning. Whether it was a day at the waterpark or a stroll through the local parks, she wanted to be prepared...so she bought all of it. In fact, she'd considered taking her whole suitcase to ensure her bag was big enough for whatever she needed. Don't judge! She'd rather be prepared for everything than unprepared for one thing...blame the fear of failure if you must!

Katie stepped down from the glossy tiles onto the tarmac beside where Travis had parked. On the road in huge, bold, bright red capital letters was spray painted 'deliveries only' (the y covered by the back of the car). He definitely hadn't seen it, but someone was bound to notice. She quickened her steps to the car, hoping her rushed pace would shorten any time available for someone to catch Travis' parking. Katie immediately heard Connor hollering at her.

"That's fine, just stroll to the car! What are you a snail?!" He shouted sarcastically as he leaned out of the passenger's seat window. Travis clapped him across the back of the head. Connor's hand rubbed the hair that had been tossed out of place by the hit. He scowled and threw him a string of curses. Connor began to protest once more and Katie bit the inside of her lip to hide a laugh. "But she's taking ages!"

She rolled her eyes, flipped the heckler off, jogged the rest of the way to the car, and made her way to the driver's side to sit behind Travis. Lou-Ellen reached over from the middle seat to open the door for her, creating a brief breeze that she welcomed easily in the heat of the day. It was humid and Katie was glad she'd opted to braid her hair today. That would save her from infinitely unflattering frizz...Oh God! She should've packed her wind-up fan! That would've been a lifesaver in this heat! Katie considered asking to go back for it only to be rushed by Connor once more.

"Come on! If I were driving I would've left you behind by now!"

"Says the guy who made us wait for him to choose which cologne to wear." Maunaleo poked at Connor, sticking his hand through the headrest bars to prod at his neck. Connor's hand smacked to defend the area as he turned to scowl at Maunaleo, who merely laughed to himself at the reaction. Connor, clearly unhappy at the other two guys ganging up on him, pulled out his phone and mindlessly scrolled through it.

Katie scooched into the space beside Lou-Ellen and fastened her seatbelt. She was keenly aware of the driver's stares in the rear-view mirror as she did so. Though sunglasses covered his eyes, Katie knew the general direction of Travis' gaze. He waited for her seatbelt to click into place then turned the key in the ignition. She felt herself smile: always a gentleman (albeit initially unexpected.)

"Hey! Excuse me for wanting to smell good!" Connor called behind him, ignorant of his brother's actions. His face was redder than Leo's sunburn from Maunaleo's teasing. "There's nothing sexier than a man who smells good!"

Katie watched Travis's smirk in the rear-view mirror. She observed his brows lift slightly and the way he bit gently on the inside of his cheek. Here we go. He was about to say something dumb. She was somewhat surprised to find she was waiting for it, betting against herself on what it would be. A quip on him needing to try harder, maybe? Or was that too mean even for siblings? She wasn't sure.

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