17. Surf, Sun, Sand

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Take Me to Hawaii - A Tratie Fanfiction - Chapter 17 - Surf, Sun, Sand- Day 2

"I do not snore!" Was the first thing she said when she found Travis lounging back onto his hands in the sand. He was in the shorts Flora had made him and the shirt that paired with it. His brown curls were dripping from around his head and, if she weren't mistaken, he seemed to make a point of flicking the water at her as he turned to see her. 

"You did last night." He smirked, making the comment sound far more suggestive than it truly was. This caught the ear of Leo passing by who immediately dropped to his knees between but behind them, resting his elbows on their shoulders.

"You two did what last night?" Leo smirked. His interest made Katie a little uncomfortable, Travis only laughed at it.

"We didn't do anything." She sighed. Travis with Travis's antics was bad enough. Now there were Travis and Leo with Travis and Leo's antics. That was a lot worse.

"Katie threw her guts up. I nursed her back to health." He smiled so pridefully anyone would think he'd slain a dragon and won the hand of a princess.

"You're such a good roommate." Katie watched in shock as Leo praised Travis. His hand spread open on his shoulder and patted it twice.

"I know right." Travis placed his hand atop Leo's. Leo flipped his, holding Travis' hand in a perfect symbol of their bro-ness. Travis turned his gaze to glare at Katie, she could feel her confusion permanently crease her skin. "Then she had the audacity to snore all night."

"I do not snore!" She insisted. She would know if she snored.

"How do you know if you're snoring if you're asleep?" Leo asked her with a brow raised. "Surely Travis, the only person awake and present, would remember better if you snored than you would."

"Exactly," Travis smirked, still holding Leo's hand. "Pretty sure I'd remember better."

She sighed rolling her eyes. When she looked back to the pair she expected matching smirks like the ones the Stolls wore when they were together and mischievous but Travis was smiling. He looked away when she met his eye, staring into the sand before finding himself fascinated with the shoreline before him. Leo gave him a shove drawing his attention back to him.

"I'm thinking of challenging Connor and Jason to a volleyball match...you in?" 

"Doubles?" Travis stood, letting go of Leo's hand to brush the sand off his shorts. He stumbled as he walked and Katie was tempted to laugh but refrained from doing so when she remembered he had last night. She should probably thank him. 

Later. She could than him later.

Katie grabbed the things Travis left behind and then stood, throwing her beach bag over her shoulder, to join the group that sat closer to the shore. Frank and Nico were playing some card game that looked like an over complicated TopTrumps, Hazel and Piper were building a sand castle with Lavinia and Shel and the rest were lounging around in different ways. She placed her bag down beside Ivy and pulled out her towel. She fanned it down beside her, Ethan getting annoyed at specs of sand that were flung his way, and laid down with her book in hand.

The beach was more of a cove with the harsh cliffs that surrounded it. They stood high, maybe fifteen to sixteen feet above green-blue water that lapsed against wet sand. The breeze was gentle and provided a good amount of cool air for a hot day.

"Hey," Ivy said. She'd twisted all of her hair on top of her head in a bun that had flowers poking out of different gaps, no doubt the doing of her girlfriend.

"Hi." Katie smiled turning to the page she'd bookmarked with a receipt and sitting down.

"What are you doing?" Ivy asked her trying to peer at her through her book.

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