13. The Plot

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Take Me to Hawaii - A Tratie Fanfiction - Chapter 13 - The Plot - Day 1

"So here's the plan." Katie overheard the voice of Connor speak in a low tone within a huddle of mischief. He and Travis had been up to something for about an hour, whispering and muttering to one another as they pulled people over to assist in whatever diabolical scheme they were concocting. She watched from beneath the brim of her hat, her eyes hidden by her sunglasses and a book in hand making it look as though she was fully focused on something other than Travis, Connor, Piper and Leo gathered in a group. 

This didn't look good. Travis and Connor scheming together was about normal and Piper and Leo plotting was a regular occurrence but the four together? Whatever they were up to was something big. Something that would require genius, distraction, and a slight of hand. What could they be up to?

Katie shifted slightly, attempting to get closer in ear shot of what they were saying without drawing any awareness to her movements. 

"It's risky." She heard Piper say. "Really risky."

"Are you doubting our skills, Mclean?" Connor challenged. Katie could see him frown at Piper with a glare beginning to zone in on her like the laser of a sniper.

"No," Piper replied slightly disgusted as though it should be obvious.

"Are you sure? Because we can find someone just as good to serve as a distraction if you're not up to it." Connor patronized.

"No we can't," Travis said to Connor as he tugged nervously on the band around his wrist. Connor only muttered for him to shut up.

"Yeah, besides, no Piper means no me. You need me." Leo said.

"Okay, Fine. Just be ready for the signal okay?" They each nodded as they returned to their sun loungers.

Katie didn't like the sound of this but she tried to keep her poker face as Piper returned to the bed beside her.

"What was that all about?" Katie asked her, trying to look unbothered as she pretended to read the page.

"The boys were just asking me how Dad did this underwater trick in one of his movies. They wanted to try and recreate it." Piper lied. Given that Katie could see Travis going to get food, Leo talking to Charlie and Connor taunting Paolo, it hadn't been the best choice.

"None of them are at the pool." Katie said, PIper's eyes flashed in shock for a moment so fast that Katie would've missed it if she hadn't been waiting for it.

"It was a stunt that hadn't actually been done in water. It was superimposed in afterward, they decided not to try when I told them that. Travis said it would probably be impossible so there wasn't much point bothering."

There was Piper's second mistake. If Travis deemed something to be impossible he didn't just brush it off and forget about it, he tried to make it the closest to possible as...well...possible! Something was definitely up.

She was about to question Piper on her lies when a bird squawked from beside Paulo. The funny thing about the bird's squawk was that it sounded much more like Connor screaming. Piper made some unbelievable excuses about her needing to use the restroom before taking off to enter the lobby. Leo looked up from his conversation with Charlie, giving the direction Piper left to a grin that spread across his face like wild fire. Katie's eyes darted in search for Travis.

If it weren't for him being the devil reincarnated, Katie would've felt sorry for him. He'd made himself up a plate of food that was almost spilling over the sides with how full it was. A wrap of some sorts sat on one side of the plate beside a pile of rice. A bowl was balanced precariously next to all this with cubes of what appeared to be fish pushed up against it. It looked good, and from the look of disappointment on his face, Katie could tell Travis thought so too. His shoulders slumped as he looked at his food and then to Connor who was beckoning him over to the lobby. He breathed a deep sigh, his shoulders falling in a strop as he took his last look at the plate of food before discarding it onto an empty table, and walking to follow Connor.

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