6. Gate Closes 45 Before Boarding

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Take Me to Hawaii - A Tratie Fanfiction - Chapter 6 - Gate closes 45 before boarding - day 0

"What is it we have to put in those bags again?" Travis asks as he rummaged through his rucksack pulling out hair gel, a tube of toothpaste and a contact lense case.

"All liquids. They can't be more than a 100ml." Katie pulled out two prepacked plastic sandwich bags, one of toiletries and another of electricals.

"Those aren't liquids." Travis responded smugly. Placing his deodorant into a bag and pressing it shut. The delay with checking left Travis and Katie stranded, their friends already through and sending them photos of duty free: Selena posing gracefully next to a Teddy bear, Clarisse stood beside her with a bottle of something alcoholic and a lighter looking menacingly at the camera.

"Some airports ask for electricals in a different bag too." Katie sighed, obviously two charging cables, a power bank and airpods aren't liquids! She placed the items side by side in a gray plastic tray and pushed it down the slopes into the scanners. Travis copied.

"So what are they actually checking for?" Travis asked at he strolled through the metal detector winking at the woman who waved him through, she made a face of disgust and used the same gesture to Katie.


"Well obviously, but what's that?" The two stood at the end of the conveyer waiting for the trays to roll down.

"Anything that could harm the passenger's I suppose." Katie's bags rolled down and she packed it back up, slinging it over her back. "Things like guns, drugs...explosives." She whispered the latter: you never mention bombs in an airport.

Travis' bag came through the curtain of the machine halting at the top of the slope. Travis put his hand out ready to catch it. Katie visibly panicked when the rollers began to turn, sending Travis' bag down for inspection. She glared at him.

"What did you do!" She snapped. He threw his hands up, declaring his innocence.

"Nothing! You said drugs right? It's probably just because I didn't declare my ADHD medication."

The person behind the glass opened Travis' bag searching for the offending substance.

"Sorry man, I forgot about my medication." The person pulled out the bottle, inspecting it before deciding it to be innocent. They carried the tray back to the end of the conveyer and let it roll through a second time.

"Not a man. Two things flared up but I couldn't find the second." They handed the meds back to Travis. They collected the tray again and searched once more. This time they pulled out a small yellow box, sending a glare up to Travis. Pressing a button on a radio strapped to his chest the person began to mutter into the device, turning away from them.

"What did you do!" Katie spat at him, anger shooting through her words.

"I didn't do anything!" He spat back with equal passion.

"Are you two together?" The person returned, their hands empty of bags or boxes.

"No!" The two of them practically screamed.

"But you know eachother?" Katie and Travis nodded. "And you're on the same flight?" They both nodded again. "I'm going to need you to follow them."

They pointed downward to two guards- each wearing bulletproof vests, thick black boots and carried guns at their sides- standing like they were about to escort the president into a club.

Travis gulped, growing redder with every step toward the guards. The took the two to a plain room locking it behind them. Travis and Katie each to a seat.

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