7. Up up and away

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Take Me to Hawaii - A Tratie Fanfiction - Chapter 7 -  Up, Up and Away - day 0

"In any case of emergency you're exits are here, here and here."

Katie and Travis sat down into their seats just as the flight attendants demonstrated the 'here's what to do if you die!' show that panics all anxiety-ridden kids before the flight. 

The flight attendants who helped them stared at them as they sat, Travis sending them a wave and keeping eye contact as he clicked his seat belt and helped Katie with hers.

She kept up the hysteric act.

Surprisingly, the flight to the honey-pot hot spot wasn't fully booked, much to Katie's relief. There wouldn't be anything worse then having to ask a stranger to move and then proceed to sit beside them the whole flight trying to ignore how whoever it may be would be curious as to why her eyes wet and probably blood shot by now.

The taste of mint in her mouth had now made her feel nauseous, her tongue numb with the overpowering flavour. She couldn't wait until the snack cart came around.

Travis held her into his shoulder, stroking her hair as she breathed shakily.

"That was scarily impressive." He muttered to her. "If I didn't know better I'd think you were a Stoll."

Katie chuckled and covered it up in a sob.

As thankful as she was for Travis' quick ability to lie and bargain before. But now, right now. She could not wait for take off.

Katie felt uncomfortable laying on Travis like this. Not in the way she had expected though.

If you were to ask her a year ago whether she could ever consider lying on Travis like this, even f it was just to get on their flight, she'd check you for concussion. Hell, if you'd asked seven-teen year-old Katie whether or not she'd be willing to even speak to Travis in a somewhat civil manner she'd drive you to the ER for an MRI. Old Katie would be shoving him off and confessing their lies to staff, even if it meant getting them kicked them off this flight.

But now she didn't really feel anything about it. There was no burning hatred. No indescribable need to push him away. She was comfortable with this.

She was uncomfortable with how comfortable she was with this. She wouldn't go out of her way to do it again, force herself into a situation where her and Travis have to be unnecessarily close to one another, but she doesn't mind it. It was friendly.

Travis let her go as the demonstration ended, watching carefully as the workers moved behind the curtains to prepare for take-off. Katie lifted her head and blinked looking over Travis' shoulder to see out the window and they sped down the run way. Her eyes still stung, she rubbed the base of her palms against them. A small laugh erupted from the seat beside her.

"Are you okay?" Travis whispered in fake sympathy "Your eyes are a little watery."

Katie would've gotten mad. She would've blown up at him, insulting him for making fun of her when he caused this problem. But his fake sympathy was softer, less antagonising. It was as though he was actually trying to get along with her. Only twenty minutes ago they were mad at each other and it was the most familiar feeling Katie had had about Travis in almost a month; now he was cracking jokes and faking sympathy like it was their every day banter. Like they had every day banter.

"You're a pain in my ass. You know that?" She laughed, shaking her head at him.

"I'm a pain in everyone's ass." he shrugged reaching to push his bag underneath the seat in front of him. Katie snorted. 

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