"Harmonies of Hope, Remedies of Renaissance"

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Tension could be cut with a knife as a mother and daughter sat across from one another, at the dining table of Tiana's apartment.

Viola Thomas had always been a stubborn woman. Born and raised in the church, her beliefs strong and unwavering, no matter how unreasonable.

She never wondered. She never asked, and she never questioned. All she'd ever known was to say 'yes ma'am' and 'yes sir' to anyone older than her, and especially the white folk, no matter their age. All she'd ever known was church every Wednesday and Sunday, and to spend most her teen years preparing to find a husband and later bear a child.

Now, did she have a mouth? Of course she did. And did she always follow the rules perfectly laid out for her? Of course she didn't.

However, each act of rebellion or defiance was reprimanded. It always came at a price, Viola learned. So eventually, it all came to a stop. She read her Bible. She raised her child and tended to her husband. She kept up a sharp image of herself. Hair, nails, clothing, and even those she associated with. The image of a loving mother and wonderful wife.

No reason to make her life any harder than it needed to be.

Her daughter, on the other hand, had been her biggest challenge yet. From the day she was born, until now. Tiana Thomas was a spitting image of Viola, with Avery's facial structure and spirit.

Tiana hated rules. Hated norms, and the way things worked in the world. She wondered, and she questioned. She fought and she pursued. And had it not been for Avery, Viola felt as though her own child might've driven her crazy if she had to raise her alone.

She couldn't understand Tiana's free spirit; couldn't wrap her head around it. Her need to do the opposite of what she's told and be the opposite of what most expect. The girl could fight a grown man, and possibly win. She played baseball for goodness sake, and knows how to shoot a gun. 'What kind of woman wants that for herself- What kind of woman even thinks to that degree?' Viola thought.

A lot of it she blamed on Avery, for encouraging and supporting her daughter's every foolish aspiration. But even Avery's ways couldn't explain this.

Loving a woman..... Her daughter, in love with a woman...

Viola didn't know which she might've been; sickened, enraged, in denial, or paralyzed with shock.

She thought herself having failed as a mother, or having missed a step. She thought she'd taught Tiana right from wrong. That man was to be with woman, as women with men. Anything else was sinful. An abomination. How- where on Earth had she gone wrong?...

"Are you here to slap me again?" Tiana asked without emotion, being the first to speak between them.

"N-no," her mother muttered, letting her head fall. "I should apologize for that, it was unkind of me..."

Tiana blinked, internally doing her best to remain indifferent. "Well?..."

Their eyes met. '"Well' what?"

"The apology, Ma," her daughter answered simply. "You said you 'should', but ain't did it."

"Oh," Viola nodded slowly, darting her eyes elsewhere. "Right.... I'm uh..I'm sorry Tee. I should've never hit you and I don't intend to do it again. Alright?"

"Alright." Tiana felt detached from her own voice as she spoke. Even her sigh sounded fair away. "So...why you here Ma?" Panic then settled in, having her make a subtle frown. "Somethin happen to Daddy??"

• A Blackbird's Serenade •जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें