"Can I Call You Rose?"

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~ Three Weeks Later ~


Rushing around the back of house part of the restaurant, my eyes scanned as I turned each corner, walking the halls.

"The hell is she?" I whispered to myself.

So far I'd checked all three employee rooms, the kitchen, Harvey's office, the VIP lounge upstairs, and now I was heading to the floor. Still she was nowhere to be found. And we're down to a bit over an hour until showtime.

"Hey Tee," Coco exclaimed as we passed each other, making me turn to her. "What you doin' down here?"

"Lookin' for Journee," I sighed. "You seen her?"

"Not round here, no, least not yet- thought she was with you?" Coco glanced around the club as well as myself, then I put my hands to my hips with a huff. "Come to think of it- Ian seen that boyfriend of hers either. They must not be here yet."

"She's supposed to be onstage in an hour Coco- she can't not be here..." My head dropped while it shook in distress. Then I picked it up with frightened eyes. "Oh God, what if somethin' happened-"

"Oh hush up Tee- quit thinkin' like that. I'm sure they fine suga, probably just late. Y'know how black folks are..."

"She hates bein' late though," I muttered to myself, now glancing around us again and biting my lip. "Maybe she ain't comin' and didn't tell me."

"I think we'd all know if that was the case 'cause Harvey would bring in another guest singer."

"Right..." I nodded slowly. "Maybe she's just late..."

"Ain't seen you look so worried in a minute," Coco chuckled softly, interrupting my thoughts. "You two must really be close- Now I'm gettin' jealous-"

"Please," I playfully pushed her shoulder as she laughed. "You ain't got no competition Coco-"

"You sure bout that suga?"

Giving her a sassed look, my lips smacked. "I'm the one who should be jealous since you ditched me for Franklin black ass."

"Oh c'mon now!" Her hands went up and I smirked. "That shit ain't the same and you know it. He's just my boo," she shrugged with a sly smile as I pretended to gag.

"Jesus, you done gone soft."

She giggled. "Don't hate suga-"

"Ladies I hate to interrupt, but Coco I believe you have a table that needs tendin' to-" Deja leaned over our shoulders. "And Tiana, don't you got some hair and makeup to be doin-"

I sighed. "Sorry Dej, Journee ain't here yet and I was lookin' for her."

Confusion took her expression as her eyebrows furrowed. "Yes she is-" she pointed to the entrance. "I just saw her and Mr. Dawson walk in a second ago. She went straight to the back though, guess she ain't in the mood to socialize."

"Probably 'cause she late," Coco chimed as my eyes trailed back to the restaurant's employee entrance. "Guess I'll get goin' though- before these folks start complainin' and shit. Bye Tee!"

"Bye y'all..." I began making my way back to Journee's dressing room, a bit apprehensive of what to expect.

After heading back up the stairs and turning the two corners, I took a breath once laying my hand on the doorknob. Then I opened it as soon as the breath had released. Though what I saw was anything but nerve-worthy.

"Oh hi sweetheart, I was just 'bout to come lookin' for you-" she glanced over her shoulder, wearing sunglasses, while hanging up her coat. Then spinning around, she walked up to me. "I sincerely apologize for bein' late, it's really not my style at all. I promise it won't happen again alright?"

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