"Blue Robin"

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In a sense of the word, it can mean to have lost all hope, evidently. To have given up, after trying, or after not trying. To have thrown in the towel, and simply walk away. To indulge in the thought that there is no point, and that your troubles are insolvable.

Confidence within the future has drifted further and further away, leaving your extended hand to slowly fall as tears well up within your eyes. You're out of control, leaving your faith in a higher power being the last resort. Every ounce of energy within you has depleted, leaving you weak and fallen to your knees; maybe figuratively, or maybe literally...

It happens often, in either big or small aspects of life.

You've been to countless interviews, yet haven't landed a single job. You've tried, tried, and tried again to perform a task to perfection, yet to no avail. You tell people, and yourself, that something will change, or that you will change... only for the action to be repeated, time after time. Or, despite your hopes, dreams, and greatest efforts, unfortunate events continue to unfold, though it's completely out of your hands.

And you're unable to do much other than wonder endlessly, why...

Why is this happening... Tiana thought, in a daze.

Beneath her was the cold and rock hard floor as her back slumped against the white wall. Nurses walked back and forth, and in and out of the room. A few of them would stop to check on her, only for her to wave a soft dismissive hand, for words were unobtainable by now.

Her gaze stared into outer space upon the wall opposite her, as she hugged her knees to her chest, hoping it'd give her even an ounce of comfort and familiarity.

Just thirty minutes prior to this moment, everything had been just fine...

She'd wore a mere beam on her face while watching the woman she loved dearly sing onstage. Her body had swayed, mirroring Journee's, as the two locked eyes. And she'd held her clasped hands to her chest, thinking just maybe everything would be alright, despite the incident with her mother.

Only for it all to change at the snap of a finger, the minute Harvey had come up to her and muttered devastating news in her ear.

Just like that, her smile disappeared, and her hands slowly fell.

She'd turned to Harvey, with eyes full of horror and disbelief as she asked him to say it again, though afraid of the response. Then Coco had come up next to her, given the look on her face, and heard the news as Harvey repeated it a second time.

"The hospital called," he said with unfortunance. "Your father's had a stroke...they said you outta get there as soon as you can..."

Tiana could feel everything stop.

The world around her, her movement, her breathing... It'd all froze, the minute she heard it being confirmed a second time. And all she could make out was the faded sound of Coco calling her name and her arm being tugged. She slowly turned to her, hardly focusing on the words leaving Coco's mouth.

"Tee..." her best friend grabbed her face. "You need to go, now," she repeated slowly, then shook the woman as Tiana still hadn't responded. "Tiana! C'mon now- ain't no time to shut down, get yo ass to the hospital!"

"Okay..." the woman nodded slowly, entering autopilot. "I'm goin..."

"I'll meet you there when Journee's done, alright?" Coco explained while leading her to the dressing room, where her car keys remained. "You just go on, don't worry bout the rest. Just make sure you get there-" Taking the keys and Tiana's hand, she placed them there. "Tee, it's gon be alright, I'm sure he gon be fine... Okay??"

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