Kira was very perceptive and must have noticed the awkwardness coming from my end.

“I meant to say I wish I could kiss you goodnight. Tell me how your first day at school went.“

"Terrible, “ she groaned. "The bullying was unbearably brutal."

I sat up, frowning. “You don't say. Did the principal and teachers witness it?”

She hesitated before speaking and I already knew the answer.

“Don't worry," I said to her. “I'll handle this when I get back. “

Before we said goodnight, she'd asked about my day and then gave me the latest gossip from her end.

A satisfied sigh escaped my lips and I kept staring at the ceiling until Leo broke my train of thought while looking at me with a scowl.

His face was pinched like someone suffering from constipation. The venom in his gaze burned into me and when our eyes met, he looked away and focused intently on the blank TV.

The fool was clearly against my affection for Kira, simply because she was an Omega. His reaction was so amusing that a crack of laughter escaped my lips. I was doing it deliberately to poke at his irritation

"Why are you sitting there like a jealous girlfriend? For your information, I don't do men."

He mimicked my voice, and lines of annoyance formed around his mouth as he glared at me.

“It's beyond cringe and shameful to watch you act like a starved puppy over an omega girl. Do you realize that it's a letdown for us as well? Very soon the omegas will show zero respect for us. Pathetic.”

“Are you done?"I asked while chuckling.

Leo scowled. "Fuck, I'm not! You're an alpha, for crying out loud. Don't you realize that?"

"Alphas can't fall in love? My father was madly in love with my mother before she died. The same goes for my grandfather. You love Isabel and that's why you put up with her gossiping habit. Why should my case be different?”

Leo shook his head, frustrated that I wasn't getting the point, but I didn't let him speak.

“She's omega, agreed. But the girl has my heart. If you have doubts go fight the moon goddess. “

Leo's smile turned hard. “I've always believed that the goddess never makes a mistake until now. Think deeply about this, D'Angelo. You have everything going well for you; you're running a successful pack and have a baby on the way. Why was a mistake made with your mate? It's like suddenly going blind and not finding a solution.  Do you understand the implications of being with an Omega? It'll ruin your credibility. People will laugh at you, including other-”

I cut him off before he could continue his lecture. "Enough. I'm  not a child, Leo."

"I'm your beta, your voice of reason," he persisted. "What about Alexis? She's beautiful and intelligent. If I were you, I would turn down the omega and concentrate on getting married to Alexis because she is already pregnant."

"All right, then you can take her as your second wife. Do you conveniently forget that she forced herself on me? I couldn't care less about your opinion right now."

Leo went quiet and leaned forward, swearing under his breath.  "Why have you not declared to the world that you have found your soulmate, if you do not care about my opinion? What is the point of keeping it to yourself?”

His words hit hard, and I found myself retreating into the bed, feeling a tightness in my chest. Keeping my relationship with Kira a secret seemed like the safest option for now, considering the consequences, especially with Alexis's pregnancy.

I got off the bed and grabbed a shirt. As I did, Leo wore a triumphant smirk, knowing he had rattled me.

"See? You don't even have an answer to that question. You know your relationship with that girl can never be public. There's too much at stake."

"Mind  your fucking business, Leo."

Leo jumped to my side. "The night is young. Let's go downstairs for some drinks. Maybe you'll find some girl with a fat booty to get your mind off things for a bit. “

I tossed him the middle finger in response and stormed out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I could still hear him laughing behind me as I strode out through the front door. The cold, wet wind nipped sharply at my cheeks.

Even though Leo wanted nothing more than to provoke me, he had a point; I was afraid of the consequences of marking Kira

I was a bloody coward.

The Alpha's Omega MistressWhere stories live. Discover now