22. Forever Loyal

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Forever Loyal

Author: SasuSakuKawaii
Website: fanfiction.net
Chapters: 14
Status: Complete


She is in disguise in order to serve the mam she loves. Even though she can't be with him her feelings keep becoming stronger. Rejecting him kills her inside but that is the only option she has in order to stay by his side as long as she can.

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Sakura disguises herself as a man to join the police force with her brother. Her only motivation to join the force was him, Sasuke Uchiha. Whom she fell in love with in a very young age. To stay with him, to serve him it was her goal. But everything doesn't go as planned. Because of Sasuke's current girlfriend's influence he did something to Sakura that I will never forgive him!😤 Soon after realising his mistake he seeks for her forgiveness! And there is something more!!!😉 So, will Sakura forgive him and accept him? Read the story to find out.

The sweetest and cutest story with angst! It is very different from the usual sasusaku stories. I really appreciate how the author made Sakura's character so strong, like she really is. But I wish there was more development between Sasuke and Sakura before the big reveal. A little bit more development between the characters would've been a great choice. How I badly want a sequel of this story with sasusaku fluff!😩 Please author-chan a sequel please!😂
I am so desperate lol! Well overall it's a good read and atleast you'll not get bored.

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