13. Scroll

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Author: Lyvance Callele
Website: fanfiction.net
Chapters: 56
Status: Complete


Sasuke receives an A-rank mission that would get him off the hook- deliver a medic scroll to Konoha. The hokage left one important detail about it though.
Premise: 4 years after A final duel with Naruto. *added mystery in the genre*

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Sasuke is on a mission to bring a very important scroll to Konoha. However it isn't completed yet and he have to stay there until the scroll is finished. But the thing that surprised him is the writer of the scroll!! It was his pink haired teammate, whom he hasn't contacted for a long time. Now they have to stay close untill the scroll is finished but but but, Sakura doesn't want that!! Why?? Because the scroll has alot of mysteries behind it!!😥 And Sakura is one of the victims.😨 So, how will they co-operate? How will Sasuke take care of Sakura when she desperately wants him gone!!😫
Read the story to find out!

Really long and complex story with slow pace!! This Story really hooked me up with it's guessing games (and I brutality failed😤). Slow burn.⚠️ Sasuke's character was just like him. Always stoic but really cares for his loved ones especially we all know who!!😌 The additional characters were great too! I really cried reading this story especially for Sakura.😭 I just totally LOVED her in this story- my baby I love you.❤️ She was suffering so much to save others, she is the real hero of this story!!💅 She was even ready to sacrifice herself. And in the end when Sasuke finally came to his senses it was already too late....🙂 Cliffhanger!!!!

Just kidding!! Hehe🤣

Ending was unexpected but really good.😩 This story has a SEQUEL to satisfy our thirst for sasusaku moments.🤭

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SEQUEL: Reconnaissance

Chapters: 15

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