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Author: x.Kaze-chan
Website: fanfiction.net
Chapters: 28
Status: Incomplete


Sakura gaped as she looked at the sign before doing a double take. Yup, she wasn't dreaming. There on the sign in front of the mansion, was stating that Uchiha Sasuke needed a wife. And it was her lucky day that she became the hired wife.

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How badly I wished it to be complete!!😭 Sasuke needs a wife so he literally put a signboard for that! One day when Sakura was passing by, she saw that notice and was baffled by that news(who on earth puts a signboard for that🙂). At the exact moment Sasuke's sister came and mistook Sakura for an applicant. After concluding several times, that she doesn't want to become Sasuke's wife; he still hired her.🤭 That's not it!!!✋🏻She also got a role in a movie with Sasuke!😌 Although Sasuke doesn't show interest on her his actions says otherwise!😏 But everything changes when Fugaku decided to separate them both!💔 He ordered(threatened) Sakura to leave their house and even tried to bribe her to leave Sasuke without informing Sasuke anything.(die Fugaku)😒😒
So, will Sakura agree? Will she really leave Sasuke? And even if she does how will Sasuke react?? Read the story to know more!!

This fanfic may not meet your today's standards but according to it's time(2008-2009) it was a gem for sasusaku lovers. This story has angst/ comfort/friendship/love/drama everything. And the way Sasuke ✨confessed✨ his love to Sakura!!🤐🤧 I hope the author comes and finish this story!😭❤️ It has alot of unsolved mysteries!!🙂

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