Chapter 32 - Separation

Start from the beginning

"Okay, that's a good boy. You're not my type though."

"All right then. In the name of Pleiades of the Azure Sky, let's get this mission started."

With you

Making it back, Meliodas looked at you, seeing your head still in his shoulder. He was about to put you down, but you squeezed him, telling him not to. He didn't as he kept you in his arms, walking over to the group.


"Sir Meliodas!" Gilthunder exclaimed.

"Y/N!" King yelled, flying over. "Is she alright?"

"She's fine. Just a little jumbled is all." You put your head farther in his shoulder, not wanting to look at anyone. You were more than jumbled, you were frightened. Feeling their power, all of their power, was enough to make you crumble. And Meliodas is now just as strong as them, if not more powerful, which made you wonder, would you be able to run from him if the situation called for it? You could barely move before, you doubt you could if it was Meliodas.

"Nothing bad happened to her, if that's what you're asking." You took a glance at your bruised wrist. You groaned in your head. 'That must've happened when that guy with the cape grabbed my wrist. Dang it. I have to make sure they don't see it.'

"Well, what did happen?" Zaneri asked, making herself known.

"Zaneri? When did you get here?" Meliodas asked.

"I only came to check if things were going well. And it seems they did. Now, answer my question."

"I only told them that if they did anything stupid, we would go and beat them up." Meliodas smiled. Everyone was shocked and King was the first to speak out against this.

"You're the one being stupid. 'Cause what you did was go out there and pick a fight!"

"I guess that's true." He looked to the side.

"Only a moron would intentionally go out of his way to wake up a sleeping Giant like that!" Jenna yelled at him.

"Look, the kingdom of Britannia is full of many nations and villages. They'll be able to raid them all pretty easily by splitting up. Soon, they're gonna realize that. With the Ten Commandments in one place, we don't stand a chance against them, including me. That's why we're gonna separate them. That way, we can start crushing them one or two at a time!"

"That plan's sweet! Just thinking about it makes my snout tingle!" You heard Hawk say. You looked up, seeing Hawk looking completely different. He had white horns, and his feet and backside were red and scaly.

"Well, I guess this means that you finished up your training, too, huh..." He turned around, seeing what Hawk now looked like. He turned back around, ignoring the pig. Hawk looked dejected but you gave him a smile, mouthing 'You look amazing, Hawk.' Tears and snot ran down his face as he looked at you, happy that someone acknowledged him.

You turned your head, seeing Zaneri standing by Jenna. "Zaneri?" You asked. She looked at you. "Yes, Y/N? Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine. But if you're here, does that mean Elizabeth finished her trial?" You looked for her, but didn't see her.

Zaneri shook her head. You pouted, sad, since you wanted to see her.


Zaneri and Elizabeth were still in the cave as Zaneri sighed before starting to leave.

"Where are you going?" Elizabeth asked.

"To go see if Meliodas got his power returned and hopefully, to see Y/N." She smiled as she thought of you.

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