Justin comes through for J.J

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At Richmond high school*

In the locker room*


Justin: shit

J.J: what

Justin: I forgot my sweatpants at home

J.J: I think I have an extra pair

Justin: thanks man your a lifesaver

J.J goes in his locker and grab a pair of sweats and give it to Justin

J.J: hey don't worry

Zack slams J.Js locker and J.J jump

Justin: leave him alone zack

Zack: hey shut up

J.J: Zack don't you have something better to do then to pick on me all the time

Zack: nope

J.J: look if I get in trouble my dad will ground me so just leave me alone okay come on Justin

J.J and Justin walks away and then Zack pushes J.J

Justin: hey don't touch him

J.J: Justin it's fine come on let's get changed

Zack: your such a pussy

J.J drops his bag and punched Zack in the face and they started fighting and Mr. Ross came in the locker to break it up

Mr. Ross: knock it off Zack get off of him

The boys stop fighting but J.J wasn't done

Mr. Ross: J.J I just called your father last week for your behavior in my class now you in my locker room fighting something you like to say

J.J grabs his bag and leave the locker room and slam the door

Justin: I'm sorry Mr. Roos I'll talk to him but Zack started the fight

Mr. Ross: that's not true

Justin runs after J.J

In the hallway

Justin: hey man wait up

J.J: can I borrow your phone

Justin: sure here

J.J: thanks

Justin: who are you calling

J.J: my daddy

Justin: okay

J.J dails his dads number

On the phone

James: hello this is James

J.J: hi daddy

James: hi J.J what's wrong

J.J: I just got into a fight

James: omg are you hurt

J.J: no

James: okay tell me what happened

J.J: he pushed me and called a pussy so I pushed him back

James: did you win

J.J: I think so

James: alright where was the teacher when this happened

J.J: I don't know

James: okay wait for me in the office I'm coming

J.J: daddy are you mad at me

James: no I would never be mad at you for defending yourself do you understand me

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