New rules part 1

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At James house*

James wakes up and kiss Sammy on the cheek and goes to Oliver's room

In Oliver's room*

James walks in Oliver's room and open his curtains

Oliver: dad what the

James: say it and I'll smack you

Oliver: dad it's not even 6:00 yet

James: I want you to put on a shirt and come downstairs

Oliver: dad

James: now

Oliver: okay

James leaves the room and went to wake up J.J

In J.J's room*

James: J.J get up right now

J.J: daddy

James: get your ass downstairs now

J.J: daddy I'm tired

James: if you don't get your ass out of this bed right this instant your will be screaming for help get up now and make your way downstairs now

J.J: okay

James and J.J goes downstairs

In the kitchen*

Oliver: dad it's 5:30

James: I know what time it is

J.J: daddy I'm going back to sleep

James: sit your ass down before I smack it

J.J: okay

James: you two have been getting away with a lot of shit but this is the last day you will be disrespectful and disobedient I have had it I will no ground you or take your keys you will get spanked

Oliver: dad

James grabs a wooden spoon from the drawer

Oliver: no dad

James: interrupt me again I will hit with this now like I was saying J.J you will not wear a jockstrap in this house if you don't wear any underwear to school I will spank your ass and Oliver if you misbehave in school I will spank you also, you guys have been doing whatever you like and think I haven't noticed I've noticed you get in trouble at school you get a butt whooping at home, now any questions

Oliver raises his hand

James: you don't have to raise your hand just ask the damn question

Oliver: why am I in trouble I didn't do anything wrong

James: did you know he brought the stupid jockstrap

Oliver: um

James: I swear to god if you lie to me I will smack you with this spoon

Oliver: okay dad yes

James: and you didn't tell me because

J.J: daddy

James: am I talking to you

J.J: no daddy

James: then close your mouth or I will slap it shut well Ollie

Oliver: i blackmailed him

James: oh really

Oliver: dad I'm sorry but you don't know what's it's like living with him

James: anything else you wanna share

Oliver: no dad

James: you sure

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