The truth about Sammy's death

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At James house*

Eric: aren't you gonna say hi

Sammy: hi Mr. Scott it's good to see you again

James: you see I thought I saw a ghost and then the ghost talked so you wanna tell me why you didn't tell me that my ex boyfriend was alive

Sammy: um ex we never broke up

James: shh

Sammy: okay

James: dad

Eric: are the kids here

James: no

Eric: okay I didn't want you to go look for him

James: I wouldn't have done that

Eric: yes you would have

Sammy: it's not his fault I told him not to tell you

James: why

Sammy: because I saw that you was happy with Maya

Eric starts laughing

James: I wasn't she was an awful person and mother

Sammy: did she do that to your sons face

Eric: what's wrong with J.J's face

Sammy: no the big one has bruises on his face

Eric: WHAT

James: he was jumped when he was leaving target

Eric: what the hell why didn't you tell me

James: because I'll handle it and I didn't need my daddy going all crazy

Eric: I don't go crazy

James: oh really remember when Kevin throw me in the pool when I was six your almost drown him

Sammy: wait what

James: or the time I was suspended you cursed out the principal or the time—

Eric: okay I get it okay I go overboard sometimes

James starts laughing

Eric: what it is my job to protect my family and Sammy you are apart of my family and I am happy to give you a place at the intelligence until at the 21th district

Sammy: that will be great thank you so much

James: okay now that's settled

J.J runs in the house crying

James: J.J what happened

J.J: he hit me

James: you did what

Oliver: he was trying to touch the Steering wheel while I was driving and he took off his seatbelt

James: J.J now you better than that and Oliver you don't hit him you call me and I'll deal with him

J.J: I'm sorry

James: I know you are but your still in trouble you know better

J.J: yes daddy

James: your not watching loud house tonight your going straight to bed and Oliver you don't put your hands on him so your grounded for an extra week

Oliver: dad come on

James: did you guys even buy anything

J.J: yes I brought this lamp

Sammy: eww that's ugly

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