James comes home

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At Eric and EJ's house*

In Oliver's room*

Oliver wakes up and get ready for school

In Eric and EJ's room*

Eric: morning

EJ: James is coming over at 9:00 this morning so we have to do a lot of things

Knock, knock

Eric: come in

Oliver: morning and I know I'm grounded but can I at least have my car back for school please I'll promise I'll stay out of trouble

EJ: fine but I hear about you giving the teachers grief I'm taking it and you will walk to school do you understand me

Oliver: yes pops I will behave I promise and when is dad coming home

EJ: he'll be here when you get ready for school

Josiah runs into his dads room crying

Eric: hey what's the matter

J.J comes in the room as well

J.J: I swear it wasn't me

Eric: baby boy what happened

Josiah: he hit me

EJ: what

Josiah: J.J hit me

Eric: where did he hit you

Josiah: on my arm

EJ: Oliver go to school here

Oliver: thanks good luck baby bro

EJ gets out of bed

Josiah: daddy is J.J in trouble

Eric: he sure is come let's get you ready for kindergarten

Josiah: okay

Eric: alright come on

Josiah and Eric leaves the room

EJ: why did you hit him

J.J shrugged his shoulders

EJ: use your words

J.J: he was in my room touching my stuff

EJ: he's a baby if he's bothering you, you tell us you don't put your hands on anybody do you understand me

J.J: I don't like people touching my stuff and I told him to stop and he didn't so  I slapped his arm

EJ: okay well I'm gonna slapped your bare bottom

J.J: no he was in my room touching my stuff

EJ close his door and sits on the bed

J.J: but I don't want to

EJ: I don't really care what you want come here

J.J: no grandpa it won't happen again I learned my lesson

EJ: matter of fact I will be telling your dad about you hitting your brother now go stand in the corner now

J.J: okay

EJ: lost your damn mind I should blister your bare bottom and you will apologize to siah you don't hit people

Twenty minutes later

EJ gets a message from James saying he just pulled up

EJ: your father is here get your butt downstairs now

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