J.J punishment

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In J.J's room*

Night time

Knock, knock

J.J: come in

James walks in J.J's room

James: hey you okay

J.J: yeah I fine I'm just tired

James: okay look i'm not gonna spank you tonight but you will do chores for your punishment

J.J: daddy what

James: yeah so come on let's go

J.J: ugh

James: don't give me attitude let's go now

J.J: fine

J.J got up and followed his dad downstairs to the kitchen

In the kitchen*

James: wash the dishes and sweep the floor and then you will spend twenty minutes in the corner understand me

J.J: yes sir

James: get to it

James went into the living room and turned on the tv

At maya's house*

In the dining room

Oliver: mom I'm sorry

Maya: why would you push him

Oliver: because he was talking crazy

Maya: so what

Oliver: he was bragging about how dad brought him a kitten

Maya: so you pushed him and then punched him in the face

Oliver: yes

Maya: unacceptable

Oliver: I'm sorry

Maya: your grounded

Oliver: what no you can't

Maya: yes I can and I just did

Oliver: mom come on

Maya: nope you are grounded for two weeks give me your phone

Oliver: mom

Maya: NOW

Oliver: he made me push him

Maya: I don't care your actions have consequences

Oliver: I know that

Maya: good I'm glad you know

Oliver: but I can't be grounded my friend is throwing this party on Friday

Maya: should of thought about that before you got suspended

Oliver: no mom I have to go to his party

Maya: no you don't, what do you want to eat

Oliver: J.J probably got off scot free

Maya: worry about you not your brother

Oliver: This is bullshit

Maya: watch your mouth

Oliver: this is so unfair

Maya: your lucky I'm not spanking you what you did at school Today

Oliver: mom

Maya: don't mom me you know better than to bully your little brother go get your video games and bring them to me

Oliver: mom don't

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