J.J goes to work with daddy part 2

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J.J is 3 years old

Kenny is 8 years old

Oliver is 5 years old

3 hours later

At Franklin middle school*

In Ms. Thompson class*

Hannah: hey my mommy says I can come to your house on Saturday

Kenny: well you can't because I'm grounded

Hannah: that sucks

Kenny: it is what it is

Ms. Thompson: Kenny and Hannah stop talking

Kenny put his head down

Ms. Thompson: okay class let's read silently to ourselves Kenny can I speak to you for a minute outside

Kenny gets up out of his seat and goes outside and the teacher follows him

In the hallway*

Ms. Thompson: I just spoke to your father this morning do I need to call him

Kenny: I didn't even do anything

Ms. Thompson: your talking in my class

Kenny: Hannah was talking too

Ms. Thompson: I'm not talking to Hannah am I

Kenny: whatever

Ms. Thompson: excuse me

Kenny: nothing

Ms. Thompson: you will go inside and sit down and read your book and if you talk in my class again I will call your father is that understood

Kenny: yes ma'am

Ms. Thompson: go

Kenny: fine

Ms. Thompson: that attitude needs to stop

Kenny: I don't even have an attitude you do

Ms. Thompson: okay I'm calling him

Kenny: I don't care

Ms. Thompson: stay right here

Kenny: okay

Ms. Thompson takes out her phone and calls James

On the phone

James: hello

Ms. Thompson: hello Mr. Scott we talked this morning

James: what did he do

Ms. Thompson: talking in class and giving me attitude

James: let me talk to him please

Ms. Thompson: here its your dad

Kenny: no

Ms. Thompson: take it

Kenny takes the phone and put it to his ear

Kenny: dad

James: bud what's going on

Kenny: nothing

James: don't tell me nothing

Kenny: I was talking in class and then I gave the teacher attitude

James: didn't I tell you to behave yourself this morning

Kenny: yes

James: do you need me to spank your butt

Kenny: no dad

James: don't make me come up to that school and embarrass you because I will

Kenny: dad

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