Sunday part 2

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In the kitchen*

EJ: you can't just walk away

Eric: one second babe J.J do you need something

J.J: me and Josiah wants juice

Eric: okay go on

J.J: are you guys fighting

Eric: no mind your business and get your juice

J.J mumbles something underneath his breath

Eric: what did you just say

J.J: nothing

Eric: come here

J.J: no I didn't do anything wrong

Eric: come here

J.J walks to his grandfather

Eric: you wanna repeat what you just said

J.J shakes his head no

Eric: J.J use your words

J.J: no grandpa

Eric: if you talk back to me again you getting your ass spanked do you understand me

J.J: yes

Eric: go and watch tv and you better not cry or I will give you something to cry about now get out of my face

J.J: why are you so mean

Eric: excuse me

J.J: your being mean


J.J: no it's not fair your being mean to me

Eric: let me get the paddle

J.J starts crying and runs to his room and slams the door

EJ: you are mean by the way

Oliver walks downstairs

EJ: hey how was your nap

Oliver: pops I'm not give it was fine why

Eric: then what's this

Oliver: it's a water bottle

Eric: you think I'm stupid

Oliver: you said that not me


Josiah: no daddy

Eric walks over to his son and turn off the tv

Josiah: no daddy turn it back on

Eric: bed now

EJ: I can't believe you would drink after what we talk about

Oliver: pops it's not mine

Josiah runs to his dad

Eric: Josiah I said it's bedtime not hug daddy time now upstairs now

Josiah: okay

Eric: night

Josiah runs upstairs and goes in his room and goes to bed

Eric: now back to you

Oliver: it's not mine I swear

EJ: why should we believe you

Oliver: because I'm telling the truth

EJ: until you fess up you don't have a job anymore

Oliver: but I'm telling the truth it's not even mine pops I need that job

EJ: you should've thought about before lying to us

Oliver: this so unfair

EJ: Ollie it's late you have school tomorrow just go to bed

Oliver: why don't you believe me it's not mine

EJ: go to bed

Oliver: ugh fine

Eric: lose the attitude

J.J comes downstairs and Ollie goes upstairs

Eric: go back to your room

J.J: I want my daddy

Eric: okay you have two options you have go back to your room or I can call your father saying how disrespectful you was being

J.J: oh you found my water bottle

Eric: that's yours

J.J: yeah daddy got it for me for my birthday last year why

Eric: why the fuck does it smell like alcohol

J.J: um I'm tired

EJ: J.J are you drinking alcohol

J.J: no

EJ: so explain to me why your water bottle smell like alcohol

J.J: I don't know

EJ: you know what go to bed your father can deal with your behind when he gets home

J.J: no but

EJ: go to bed please

J.J: but if you tell daddy he will spank me

EJ: that's not our problem now go to bed

J.J: fine I just deny it

Eric: J.J I'm extremely exhausted go to bed please

J.J runs upstairs and so does Eric and EJ

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