night time

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At James and Sammy's house 

In the living room* 

3 hours later 

Kenny: alright I'm going to bed where did you put all my stuff 

James: check in the garage

Kenny: okay 

James: alright boys it's bedtime 

J.J: no five more minutes

James: J.J go to bed 

J.J: but 

James: now 

J.J: yes daddy 

James: you too Oliver 

Sammy walks downstairs and Oliver and J.J goes upstairs to their rooms and Kenny comes out of garage with two suitcases

James: oh look you found it 

Sammy: babe Jayden is out like a light 

James: babe I could've done that 


James: ugh why can't they along for once 

Kenny: I don't know 

James walks upstairs to J.J and see Oliver so he smacks him 

In J.Js room* 

Oliver: ow 

James: get your ass to your room right now 

Oliver: fine 

James: and you better drop that attitude before I get my belt 

Oliver goes to his room and slam his door 

James: J.J get your butt in your bed and lay down and go to sleep 

J.J: okay 

James: and the next time you yell in his house I gonna slap you

J.J: I'm sorry 

James: apology is accepted why is your toys everywhere

J.J: I will clean up tomorrow

James: why can't you and your brother get along 

J.J: daddy it's him he hates me 

James: no he doesn't 

J.J: yes daddy he does 

James sits on his sons bed 

J.J: daddy 

James: yes 

J.J: can I go with you to work tomorrow 

James: your gonna spend the day with your big brother Kenny okay 

J.J: okay 

James: alright get some sleep oh and did you brush your teeth 

J.J: daddy you ask me that already 

James: I know I just wanted to make sure 

J.J: can I get my phone back 

James: do you deserve you get your phone back 

J.J: yes 

James: no 

J.J: okay 

James: oh and sometime tomorrow we are gonna have a talk about your relationship with your boyfriend 

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