J.J gets suspended part 1

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J.J is 11 years old

Oliver is 13 years old

Kenny is 16 years old

At James house*

7:15 am

In james room*

James wakes up and gets up out of bed and put his slippers on and walks out of his room and goes over to his sons room and opens the door and goes in his room and open the curtains

In Oliver's room*

James: bud wake up it's time for school

Oliver: no dad five more minutes

James: no get up now

Oliver: no

James: okay then I guess you want your butt spanked

Oliver: NOO

James: then get your butt up now and get ready for school please and take a shower

Oliver: okay

James: I'm gonna wake up your brothers you better not be laying in his damn bed are you gonna have a sore bottom now get up

Oliver: ugh

James: groan all you want but your ass Better not be in this bed when I come back upstairs

Oliver: okay fine

James: alright

Oliver gets out of bed and James leaves the room and goes to J.Js room and see his door was open and see his toys was in the hallway so he goes in his room and walks over to the curtains and open them

In J.Js room*

J.J: daddy

James: get up right now you're in big trouble

J.J: why

James: why is fuck is your damn toys in the hallway

J.J: I was playing with them

James: get your butt up and go pick it up right now

J.J: but daddy

James pops J.J in the mouth and J.J starts crying

J.J: daddy

James: go and pick up your toys right now

J.J runs in the hallway and pick up his toys and goes back in his room and put them away

James: get ready for school and if I see your toys all over the place again your getting a spanking do you understand me

J.J: yes daddy

James: good

J.J goes in his dresser and take out his uniform and underclothes and put them on his bed and then goes in the bathroom and take a shower and James goes downstairs and see Kenny eating cereal for breakfast

In the kitchen*

Kenny: hey dad

James: good morning

Kenny: dad can I go to a study group tonight

James: your curfew is 10pm

Kenny: dad

James: you heard me you come past 10pm your gonna be in trouble

Kenny: fine

James: thank you and can you take your brothers to school

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