The aftermath of the party

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At James house*

In J.J's room

J.J woke up with the biggest headache in history, he doesn't remember much from last night but he does remember sneaking out. He knew what he did was wrong but he didn't care. He wanted to go to the party and he got his wish and now he just has to face his father's wrath which to him would be painful. He get up and walk downstairs to see Ollie and his father eating breakfast

In the kitchen*

Ollie: looks like you got a hangover

J.J: why are you talking so loud

James: eat

J.J: what is that

James: eggs and bacon

J.J makes gag sounds and runs in the downstairs bathroom and throw up

James: you okay

J.J: yeah I'm fine

James: Ollie you're going home tonight

J.J: why are you so loud


Ollie started laughing

James: sit and eat

J.J: I think you broke my ears

James: good maybe next time you drink you think twice

J.J: yes sir

Ollie: dad can I go to the skate park

James: sure

Ollie: you wanna come J.J

James gives J.J a stern look

J.J: I think I'm in trouble for sneaking out and drinking so I'll just stay home and take whatever punishment daddy gives me

James: oh I'm not punishing you

J.J: what

James: your going with grandpa today so go get dressed I have errands to run

J.J: daddy please he's gonna yell at me until I can't feel my ears

James: not my problem but I love you mean it

J.J: oh man

James: should have thought about that before you snuck out of my house

J.J: can't you spank me or ground me or something

James: no now go take a shower and get dressed

J.J: fine

J.J runs upstairs and hop in the shower

James: you want me to drop you off

Oliver : sure thanks

James: okay i'm leaving in a hour so be ready

Oliver: okay

Knock, knock

Oliver: that's grandpa

James: go get it then

Oliver opens the door and see Tyler

Oliver: dad

James: what

Oliver: for you

Tyler: hi Mr. Parker

James: you must be the boy who got my son drunk

Tyler: I came to apologize and give J.J his phone

James takes the phone

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