chapter 71 yellow's rage

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The blue corruption landed in the Korean mountains, hitting the ground so hard with its massive feet, deep footprints where left. Steven was able to catch up to it and land near by, it was still whimpering and crying, its giant tears making puddles on the floor.

"Mum! Please stop!", Steven yelled, making his water wings disappear and slowly approaching what was once his mother. the corruption looked back at steven and flinched, starting to run away from him as it loudly cried. Steven summoned his wings once again and followed after her. It was no longer flying away from him but instead crawling on the floor.

The monster stopped by the old pink palanquin. It picked it up and threw it around while loudly crying and growling, nearly hitting Steven with it. "MUM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!", Steven cried, trapping the palanquin with a lazer from his finger and throwing it away from blue, just before it hit him. The corruption roared at him and ran away again.

The monster finally stopped at it's own palanquin and fell to its knees, covering its face with its hands as it began to cry once again. Steven slowly approached it, being affected by its aura, but being able to fight the tears and continue moving towards her, "Mum?", he asked, the monster turned to him and quietly growled, this time not running away, realising they couldn't escape him.

The corruption bowed its head and let steven touch it. It felt like scales, it turned to the palanquin and quietly cried to him. "You still can't talk?", Steven asked, the corruption grumbled, "Is there something you want?", it turned to the palanquin again. "something in there?", it slowly nodded its head. Steven entered the blue palanquin and looked around, trying to find anything that she could possibly want, it was still a dump in there, with food and garbage all over the floors, the only clean thing being her throne.

"Alright, what about this?", Steven asked, coming out the palanquin holding one of blue's old giant cloaks. It was so big he had to drag it across the floor, "im pretty sure youre naked so you'll need this', he joked as she threw it to her, she grabbed it and pulled it over her head and body, looking like how she used to when she was hooded, the horns on the sides of her head almost looking like her hair. Blue moved her head down to steven again, and he stroked her scales, "That's better! Looking like how you always did!", she slowly picked up steven and held him in her hands as she touched his hair with sharp claws as gently as possible.

Suddenly, there were loud stomps that could be heard, blue diamond put steven back on the ground and looked up, growling angrily. There stood yellow diamond, holding pink diamond in an electric bubble as she stuggled and tried to get out, every time she touched the bubble shed be shocked. "Pink told me everything", yellow said, poking the bubble, causing it to shock pink once again, making her cry in pain.

Blue started roaring at her, making Yellow prepare an attack in case she would become violent again. blue diamond stood up, her cloak still around her and summoned a giant ball of energy in her hand as her tail started slicing the ground with it's spikes. Steven rushed in between them before anything could happen. "Wait!", Steven yelled, making both diamonds look down to him, "Mum is able to understand me! She was being peaceful!", Steven turned to blue, "right mum? You recognise me?", blue picked steven up in her hands again and turned to yellow, gently passing steven to her as she ceased her attack. Yellow took Steven from blue and looked at her shocked.

"You're no longer feral?", yellow asked, raising an eyebrow and throwing pink away in case she'd upset blue some more, the bubble bouncing across the hills causing her to be shocked again. Blue nodded, "oh, she can't really talk yet but seems to know what's going on", Steven explained. Yellow sat down on the floor and blue copied her, watching closely, she laid steven on the floor and he also sat next to them, "blue, I'm going to try and heal you, ok?", she said, blue nodded.

Yellow took a deep breath and clenched her fist, causing energy that looked like lighting to surround it, she stuck a finger out and poked blue's forehead, it looked similar to how blue healed connie. Blue's head started to shrink, and some spikes started to go back into her head, Steven watched in awe, waiting to he able to see his mother again.

Blue diamond then froze and turned to look at something, yellow noticed this and turned to look too. They could see pink diamond, trying to move in the bubble and escape them, she was still being shocked but fighting through the pain as she tried to move away from them. Blue immediately started crying and returned to her corrupted state after seeing pink again, pushing yellow away from her and crawling away.

"Damn it", yellow huffed, shocking pink in the bubble again this time with much more force and kicking her away so blue wouldn't see her. "If neither of us are able to fix her, who will?", she sighed, looking exhausted and broken. "I have an idea", Steven said, summoning his wings, "but it may backfire", he flew into the air and to the warp-pad, before yellow could ask him anymore questions.

"Yellow, please...." Pink pleaded, out of breath and trying to move around in the bubble again, being shocked over and over. "Why should I show you mercy", yellow said, standing over pink and stomping on the bubble with her heeled boot, causing it to electrocute her more and more as yellow pushed it into the ground, pink cried and begged for forgiveness but yellow didn't listen.

"I gave you a planet after you begged for one and threw tantrums for it, I gave you a zoo when you got too attached to the organics here, then you cause a little war and fake your death and beg for forgiveness?", yellow picked up the bubble and started beating pink through it, she didn't just feel rage for all the time she wasted on pink, all the tears she cried thinking she died, in fact, most of the rage yellow felt now was because of blue, seeing what pink did to her was unforgivable.

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