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"Jimin ah!"

"Yes! Grandpa!"

"Bring me the seeds from my room."

"Okay!" Jimin shouted from the balcony, flashing a feeble smile.

That smile was attempting to cover all the agony that he wanted to flood out. But he was silent. However, if you try to listen, you will clearly hear the pain his heart is roaring every second he breathes.

He saw the same medicinal seeds in the basket he gave to Jungkook when he was sick. When he was sick, the very first time Jungkook held him tightly putting all their frustrations and fights aside.

Since then they were changed, and their feelings got changed for each other. That Jungkook who used to irritate him so much became his reason to smile, a reason to remove the guilt he had carried from his past, a reason to love, a reason to believe in fate, a reason to live and a reason to get hurt.

They were happy. So so happy when they were in love. Their world was blooming, scented with pleasuring smell and when they got connected physically, it was like their world collided together to become one.

However, their love barely lasted. Their love wasn't strong enough to battle with the darkness.

That shrewd, wicked politician...

He had come to Jimin before the wedding ceremony. Terrorized him to peacefully disappear from Jungkook's life, otherwise, he would kill Jungkook on the spot and make it look like an accident or he could frame one of his friends as the murderer of Jungkook.

Jimin was terrified because what he said was not a joke.

No one was there to protect his scared heart, not even the person he loved the most. He doesn't acknowledge him. In his eyes, he is a money s**t. A very low human being who used him.

Even though Jungkook had said malicious words, even if he was hurting him he couldn't unlove him.

And for the last time, he went to see him. On the aisle he and her...

It felt like he had forgotten how to breathe. As if someone was ripping his heart from him, he merely felt pain.

How could he let someone else sand where he belongs? His heart broke, doesn't know how many times, he doesn't know the count.

Months have passed, and they said time will heal every wound, how wrong they were. His wound is just getting bigger and bigger.


A hand on his shoulder. And the voice quickly made him turn back his head.

"How is he?"

"Good," Taehyung replied with no expression on his face.

"He is good and happy." He said only to see him smile. Because every time he gives information about Jungkook being well he smiles.

He didn't smile this time.

"Is he happy?"

"Yeah, want to see his recent post?"

"No, fine! Of course, he is happy!" His voice cracked. And when Taehyung looked at him softly, he couldn't stop his tears.

"How can he be happy? Who gave him the right to be happy without me?"

He cried.

Taehyung patiently waited for him to be silent.

"Hey, Jimin!" He softly called, holding his both hands to share strength. Jimin never told him the full story, he just supported him, he is waiting for the day Jimin will accept him as a friend who is capable of understanding him.

Cloud Surfing 🍀 (Jikook)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ