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Since that day Hazel continued to appear any moment, spending most of her time in the apartment.

"He is here again!" Jungkook sounded annoyed while following his eyes to the car from the window. "Doesn't he have anything to do?"

Jungkook undid his sleeves button and knotted his tie wrongly. He knew if Jimin sees him like that he will make it right for him.

Jimin came out of the closet after changing his clothes. He was looking cheerful in a yellow shirt and black pants

Honestly, every color is his color. But his favorite color is blue that's what Jungkook learned.

"Why narrowing forehead?" Jimin asked him. "Do I look okay?"

"Ah! Yeah!" Jungkook uttered, realizing he was lost gazing him.

"Do you really need to go with him?"

Jimin understood he is referring to Taehyung.

"He is just offering me a ride because my work is on the way to his university."

When did they get so close? Jungkook bit his lip thinking hard. His head ached. "I am get going!"


Jimin clutched him by his arms. He extended his hands to his neck. Jungkook flinched at first, then beamed, darting Jimin who looks always super cute when he is concentrated.

"Why do you despise him? He is your brother. And he is a good person to me!"

"He acts!! Only I know his evil side. When we were kids he used to snatch my toys even though we had the same toys, even though mine was not better than his. And if he wouldn't get what he wanted then he would destroy them and appear innocent in front of others. He wanted to have everything that was mine."

Jimin finished with his tie. So Jungkook stretched his hand to let him button his sleeve.

"Luckily he is not after Hazel but he is after you."

Jimin chuckled. He was complaining like a kid. "I am not a toy, Jungkookie! And you are not a kid anymore. Are you?"

He completed buttoning his shirt. "Now go!"

"You don't look good in this dress?" Jungkook said to him, he felt like Jimin didn't understand what he meant to say.

Outside, he saw Taehyung, leaning on his car, who was also waiting for Jimin to come down... He gave him scary side eyes and walked away.

Taehyung drove the car to the entrance and stopped in space.

Jimin couldn't believe in his eyes. The school was well formed, not like the one in his village. It looked expensive.  He wondered what they learn in expensive school.

"I can help!"

"Ah! It's okay! I have a small talk with  him." Jimin got off from the car. "Thank you for the ride!"

"Okay! By the way, you are looking good today! I mean more than yesterday."

Jimin shyly smiled... "Thank you!"

From the window of the opposite side of school building, Jungkook saw them. It wasn't clear sight so he thought he is thinking about Jimin too much.

Meanwhile, Jimin asked a group of girls about Jeon Jungkook. Surprisingly all of them know about him.

After all, he is the son of a widespread businessman. He must have lots of friends. Jimin thought.

"Is this the class?"

Cloud Surfing 🍀 (Jikook)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ