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His heart. The softest place where he fell.

He won't get hurt.

He knows his faith in him will never betray him. He is happy with him, but sometimes it scares him that does he deserves to be this happy. He couldn't believe he could love Jimin like this. Yes, sometimes it scares him. So he will protect him, he will believe him no matter what.

He will not let those nasty shades cast on him as long as...


Don't know why after what he heard in his father's house he has second thoughts. He shook his head, then slapped himself for thinking like that, making people on the bus look at him.

"Ah! I am okay!" He smiled and awkwardly rolled his eyes outside the window.

He saw Jimin... with someone. How could be that possible? He should be in his workplace. He flattered his eyelashes and rubbed them to see clearly.

Indeed he was Jimin, leaning against the car, embracing the person in front of him. Who is that man? And the words Hazel said rang in his head.

He tried to get off the bus and the traffic resumed on the bridge. The driver scolded him, saying he couldn't get off anywhere and it would stop now at the bus stop only...


"Are you okay?"

"Yup! I was trying to get___" Zack stretched his hands on the backseat of the car from the window where he had a cartoon of drinks. "This..."

He opened it and gulped down.

Jimin glanced at him, the reek of alcohol from him was hitting his nostrils. He said he wanted to talk with him but all he doing was consuming alcohol.

"Do you want it?" He offered him for the third time.

Jimin pushed the bottle away. "What do you want to say that we've come this far."

"Ah! Sorry sorry!" Zack bit his tongue, bringing seriousness to his face. He thought for a while then spoke...

"Whatever happened to your friend was not an accident."

"I am aware. It was your girlfriend's plan." Jimin wore a bitter expression. He was in so much pain and fear.

"There you go wrong. She is not bad trust me! It's here fucking father! that fucking fake politician, who makes her do bad things." He cursed again and again. "He is using her and she is being used. Fucking bastard. She will not understand. She is too blind to have money. That's why she is fixed to marry your boyfriend. How can she do that to me? She has my ba_____"

He abruptly stopped. This time his expression changed into unreadable but scary.

"I swear if your boyfriend marry her, I will kill him."

Instantly he felt his lips burning, and Jimin punched him. It was too fast that he didn't see his fist coming to him.

"And I will kill you if anything happens to him." He dryly said yet sounded determined. He spun to leave, Zack grabbed his clothes.

"Wait! You can make it all right." He said...

"How?" Jimin asked desperation in his voice. His eyes became sloppy as if he was begging for a solution.

"I think you should go and talk with him."


"Hazel's father."

Jimin took a step back. Is he joking? With a politician, how is that even possible? How is he gonna meet him in the first place? But he was in a condition that he would do anything to make everything right.

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