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"Mommy promised her the monsters weren’t real. But mommy didn’t know that daddy was the monster."


Miso reclined leisurely on a colossal flower, completely absorbed in the pages of the captivating book titled "Girl, Interrupted." Dressed in a vibrant red robe, his damp hair hinted at a recent shower, adding an air of freshness to his appearance. As the raindrops gently tapped on the glass ceiling, a soft knock reverberated through the front door, concealed beneath a lush covering of foliage.

Miso rose from his floral perch and approached the door with a Frown and a flicker of curiosity, he swung open the door to reveal

Chay, drenched by the rain, His gaze distant yet filled with sadness.

"Chay? What are you doing here?"
He asks the wet Figure and Chay slightly wobbles into the greenhouse, and Miso steps aside.
"I did a bad thing, Jung. I did a bad thing." His voice trembles while he shows a bloody knife in his clutches. He looks at Miso with tearful eyes.
"What happened?" He gasps at the sight of Red liquid dropping everywhere on the floor and on Chay's Clothes.
"You were right. About everything. I know him. I remember him." tightly closes his eyes shut as Chay grabs onto his head with a Desperate force to stop the memories and voices from coming in.


The chemical factory lay eerily still as if holding its breath in horror. The air was heavy with the metallic scent of industry. In the silence, the sound of chains clanking reverberated through the vast space, creating an ominous echo that sent shivers down one's spine.

Suddenly, a muffled command pierced through the steel front doors, barely audible yet commanding attention. With a resounding burst, the doors burst open, revealing a group of four cops, led by Jom. The darkness enveloped them, but their flashlights cut through the obscurity, casting sharp beams of light that danced across the factory floor.

The officers, vigilant, held their guns steady, their aim unwavering. Jom, the embodiment of authority, spoke into his radio, his voice carrying a sense. The words disoriented through the airwaves, conveying the gravity of the situation.

"Jom responding to a B&E at Chemicals."
The radio crackles in Macau.
"Any sign of him?"
Jom looks around. He signals the other cops to
investigate the area.
"It's quiet, Mac."
"Eyewitnesses place him there. Keep your eyes open."

In this tense atmosphere, the stage was set for a high-stakes encounter within. As Jom cautiously advanced, his footsteps echoing softly in the stillness, he found himself standing before a massive tank, its surface adorned with a warning sign that read "TOXIC." With a swift movement, he directed his flashlight towards the ground, scattered puddles of the ominous grey chemical, he crouched down, allowing the light to reveal intricate details.

At that moment, a sudden noise disrupted the silence. Metal clattered to the floor, catching Jom's attention. He froze, his senses heightened, absorbing the surroundings. A brief pause. Then, a faint chuckle wafted through the air, sending a chill down Jom's spine.

He swiftly aimed his flashlight towards the sound and cautiously proceeded. Every step was measured, and each breath was calculated. He turned a corner, finding himself behind another colossal tank, and halted abruptly as his gaze fell upon Jikarat, Pol Jikarat who was crawling on the floor, consumed by laughter to himself.

"Stop right there. Hands where I can see them."
Pol turns over and looks at him with bloodshot eyes. He smiles widely. There are several stab wounds
in his chest. Jom takes a step back due to a sudden rise in his heart beating due to Fear of the sudden dreadful scene in front of him.

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