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wailing of a boy heard heard in the dark corridor. Another Boy joined him trying to console his little brother as he broke down on the floor, bent and tried to calm him. It was a daily thing now. But this time

"You bitch"
Women were on the floor holding their stomachs.
"No, that seed is callow don't"
She pleads in her sobbing voice.
"Are you out of your mind?"
He takes an iron rod and starts to hit her mercilessly. "Aaaaaaaaaa" she screams.
"Don't please my children are outside"
She was half dead at this point but she kept begging. The man was the real monster.

With the last hit on her head. She was now dead. He quietly looks at her as he smiles creepyly with red-shotted eyes.

She used to do drugs every day to live off the reality in her delusional world. His husband? What husband that man who used her, forced her? She started to be on the edge until one night she bore the child of another man.

Korn Opened the gate. Blood splatters could be seen around her. Korn eyed his children. One crying other comforting him. He blankly looks at his so-called sons.

Korn walks and grabs them by the hair pulling a chunk onto his fist. And dragged them into the room until they were in front of the lifeless body.

Kim who was behind his brother looked at the pitiful state of his mother.
He cries.

They felt like the world collapsed in front of their eyes. All went numb.
They both looked at each other with teary eyes and then at Korn.

"There is no excuse for disloyalty"
He simply said and lit a cigarette.

Kim who was looking at his father blankly felt a sudden urge to Kill him with his Bare hands to revenge his mother. A hiccup escaped from his throat.

"Oh so you feel bad for a traitor huh"
He scoffed at the boy.

He took his cigarette bud towards his hand and

"Noooo Pa don't"
He burnt his arm with it.

Kim was holding his tears as much as he could the pain was nothing but the loss of that only one person who cared for him was much more unbearable. His heart was crying in agony but his face showed the emotion of an ant.

Korn placed the bud from his arm to his collar bone almost burning the clothes.

"Hope this teaches you a lesson ungrateful brat." he pushes the boy away from the body.
"Take her away."
He scoffs and goes away.

A tear drops from Kim's eyes. He slightly touches his wound and hisses.

"Ma rest in peace"

He was away in a broken state. That day little Kimhan lost his Smile.

He cried his soul out every day mourning for his dead mother. On the Other hand, Korn physically and mentally abused the young lad for business. Kim took all the beating and torture given By his so-called father in the flesh of a Demon. He tried everything to be the son Korn wanted but Inconsiderate of his child's Feelings Korn brought a New Woman to their house where once his wife lived and gave birth.

"This is your new Mother respect her"
Women besides Korn smile evilly.
"Whores Child"
She yells at little Kinn. Kimhan looked at his older brother who stood like a statue emotionless.
"WHEN :slap: WILL :slap: YOU :slap: UNDERSTAND that women is dead."
He shouts at him.

Insane ~ KimchayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon