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"I love you"

"thank you, Big"

"You protected me"

"Big, I will wait for you"

His voice is endearing. Almost too precious to comprehend. His Face was covered with only devotion. Almost too captivating to comprehend. It felt like a sweet dream. Only he could interpret.

Nevertheless, this wasn't going to last forever.

The clattering of light just like his soul. The surroundings were unmoved just like his breath. Though people set their eyes upon him, He was just a puppet who got caught up in the net of evil. Just like his unruffled broken heart.

Betrayed his maniac boss. The only broken thing would be his body while going to hell.


the darkness wraps around like a bizarre veil. Faded moonlight filters through the glass, casting an ethereal shadow on the plants. Moving in circles Until he crashes his feet together.

Porchay sits on the floor and pokes a red flower blooming from the concrete corner of the greenhouse. Almost like blood. The petals shined in crimson. The plant pulls back.

There is a newspaper half-buried in the soil.  Miso was watering a nearby large plant as moonlight descended on him.

Chay notices a bit of a headline in the newspaper regarding the Nari Asylum breakout. He looks up at Miso in confusion.

"I don't get it, Jung" he lets out a frustrated groan. Standing up from the position he tidied up his back.

"What is there to get?"
He walks up to Miso under the light.

"Why are you still in Bangkok? Why did you supposedly save me?"
He points a finger right on Miso's nose.

"Supposedly? Wik left you to the cops! Tossed you aside!" the water from the pipe spreads into the leaves but soon the pressure calms down.

"Why help me?"
Miso adjusts a loose strand of hair in front of Chay's face, tucking it behind his ear.

"Nari is a tight-knit family. Patients and staff get to know the family with time. I got to know you by proxy. Dr. Kittisawasd, the warm smile doctor. And lunch thief. My friend" a feather of muscle arose on his face.

"You helped me because I was nice?"
He was confused. Firstly miso should be dead? Why did Kim leave a witness? Secondly, he came to help. Thirdly how did he even know about Him being alive? All sorts of questions were pooling inside his brain.

"Because I pity you. Loving the Clown" softening of eyes, body shrugged on his own.

"How do you know I love him?"

"I know love. And loss. Be careful. Wik, he loves no one. I was there when you were not. I saw what a maniac he was. I saw how he manipulated everyone. I saw how he was detained. I saw no emotions in him"

"You don't know that" he frowns.

"I know a false smile when I see one. I know what it's like being played. Don't lose yourself in denial, Doc."
Chay backs away from Miso. He walks to the pile of manure bags and sits on them, arms crossed.

"That's a pile of shit."

"In time, you will see. I just pray
it won't be too late."


It's a mundane day at the bank. Inside the the atmosphere was serene. Customers line up patiently, engaging in conversations. the sound of transactions fills the air.

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