Chapter 8 - Square One

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I don't have long once I get home. Lexi is picking me up at 8 to get to the bar and it's already 5 by the time I walk through the door. My dad, predictably, is out visiting mom and Rex works until late on a Friday. I have a shower, deciding to make an effort tonight. I haven't felt this light in so long and for the first time, my guilt for feeling something close to happy again isn't overbearing.

After showering, I slip into a pair of dark skinny jeans and a blue satin tank top before applying some light make-up. Quickly straightening my already straight, dark hair, I glance in the mirror - something which I normally try to avoid. I look healthier than I have in a while, the extra meals doing well for my appearance. I strap on some chunky heels and head to the living room window, looking out for Lexi's car.

The evening is cool but the sun is still high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the town. The neighbourhood is quiet and barely any cars roll by as I wait. It's a pretty nice place when it's not raining.

I hear the rumble of a car engine from outside and move towards the door, checking my phone. 8:03pm. Right on time. I lock up behind me and walk across to Lexi's car - a yellow mini. Of course. George sticks his head out of the window, yelling 'ooh la la!' to me as I make it to the car. Laughing as I slide in the front seat, I'm secretly grateful that George has taken the back. I can't go in the back. Not any more.

'Hey, sorry I'm late!' Lexi says, preppy as ever. 'I had to finish some work for class. How are you? You look great!'

'So do you guys! I'm good, I'm excited! Let's go!' I say in an uncharacteristically high pitched voice.

It only takes around 20 minutes to get to the bar. It's just outside of town and looks new and modern - not really fitting in with what I've seen of Seattle so far. As we head inside (silently thankful to the security guard not asking for ID), it's already pretty busy. George grabs my hand and quickly drags me over to a booth opposite the bar - the last remaining one in the room.

'First round on me!' yells Lexi over the music.

'Shots!' George exclaims, bopping along to the tune, already high as a kite. I laugh as he grabs my arm again, punching it up in the air with the beat. 'Wooo!' he shouts as he whips his hair around, far too excited for his own good.

Lexi balances a tray of shots on her hand, dancing back to our table. We all take one and down it in one. The liquid burns my throat - it's been a while since I last felt that sensation. 'Another!' I say, feeling the warmth spread through my chest.

'Damn right!' George says, downing his shot and grabbing the bottle for another round.

After about half an hour, the lights drop in the room and the moody stage lights pulse with the music.

'Oh my god oh my god! Let's play I never!' Lexi exclaims, her second cocktail in hand.

'YES!' shouts George in response, holding up his fourth beer triumphantly. I laugh at them, the effects of the alcohol blurring my vision a little and taking me to that happy medium place where I'm still aware, but comfortably numb.

'Okay okay I'll start!' George declares. 'I never had a date to prom!' Lexi takes a drink straight away and they both look at me.

'Nope, no date for me either Georgie! Looks like we're a pair of loners together.'

'AWWWW,' a tipsy Lexi coos. 'You're lucky you have me to bring out the awesome in you.' We all laugh and take another drink. It's Lexi's turn.

'I never... went skinny dipping.' She looks at me immediately, that mischievous twinkle in her eye. All three of us take a drink at the same time, pointing and laughing at each other in delight.

Affinity (RDJ) - 1st personWhere stories live. Discover now