'Oh, you care? Don't. I'm nothing, I'm no one. I don't do feelings, I don't care. What I'm going to do, is none of your concern. So, go fuck someone to get rid of whatever this is..'.. She gestured him up and down... 'Then get your shit together. Your jet leaves at 1800 hours..'

'We don't have a jet, not anymore..'.. Tony rolled his eyes.

'1800 boys and girls..'.. She turned and walked back into the elevator. Pressing the button to go down, she looked back at them, and her eyes catching her alphas for a moment. Oh, having the alpha bond was great, she knew what he was thinking and feeling, and he was thoroughly turned on by her. The doors closed, and she sighed, hoping this would work.


If it wasn't for the clock above the door, Clint wouldn't have known how long he had been down there for. He had tried to get it open, using what he could find, the keypad but he couldn't think of what her code could be.

Laying on the cot that was in the corner, he resigned himself to being locked up. At least there was a small room, off to the side that was split into two, a little bathroom and pantry with foods and water.

Three hours and seventeen minutes he had been in there, when he heard the familiar sparks of a portal. Sitting up, he watched as it opened, and Strange stood the other side of it... 'Come on..'.. He jerked his head. Clint got up and headed through, looking around the large room, a library maybe.

'Whats going on?..'.. He turned to Strange.

'She didn't ask for me to let you out, so she's not going to know..'.. Strange turned, walking to the doors and gestured for Clint to follow... 'She came to me, asking for something..'.. They head out into the hall, turning left... 'She wanted to know if she could win this fight, without you in it..'

'Trix doesn't care doc, she just wants this fight to be over with..'.. Clint looks around as they walk.

'Trix may have given her child away, to ensure she doesn't have weaknesses..'.. Strange stopped, looking at him... 'But he's not her weakness, you are. She's changed her plans, to make sure you're not involved, and for those who know her, that says a lot..'.. He starts walking again, Clint keeping up with him... 'I've used certain methods, to look into the future, and you have to be there, be in the fight with her..'.. They get to another room, and Strange opens the doors, putting a hand to Clints back, and nudging him forward... 'This is the only way to help her, to save her..'

Clint got shoved forward, that he stumbled into the room, and the doors slammed shut behind him. It was dark, but there was some light, orbs on the walls casting low lighting across the floor. He looked around, and moved back to the doors... 'Strange, what is this?..'.. He'd gone from being locked in the cage to now being locked in a room. He tried the door, banged on it, shouting for the man, that he didn't notice, he wasn't alone.


Wade checked his weapons, and slid them into place as the others suited and geared up. Whistler was giving out the instructions, as to what they would be doing, when the door banged open, every one of them turning to see who it was... 'Well fuck me with a monster cock!..'

'Now you show up?!..'.. Hannibal scoffs as Blade walks in, looking around at them... 'The fuck you been?..'

'This is her team?..'..

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