Growing Up

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Yoo more Scarian :00

If you're wondering why the heck I'm writing another Scarian superhero AU when The Powers We Have is literally right there, I'm writing this because I actually came up with a completely different plot for a superhero AU when writing The Powers We Have (after I already posted the first chapter to that story and since I didn't wanna change everything I had written since I was already liking that story) I decided to just take a note of the idea and come back to it later.

Now is later.

Now is when I'm writing this.

Scar's Perspective-

"Woah! Mom look! Dad's on the TV!" Scar said, smiling as he pointed at the news channel on the TV.

His mother chuckled and ruffled her son's hair.

"Yes he is. He's out saving the city."

"Can I do that?" Scar asked, hope in his eyes.

His mother smiled softly, "Maybe when you're older."

"I can be Super Scar! I'll be able to go on all kinds of adventures and save everyone!"

"I'm sure you will, sweetie."


Scar's parents were talking in their bedroom and Scar was trying to climb their dresser.

It wasn't nailed to the wall and started to wobble before falling.

His parents gasped and tried to push Scar out of the way, but it was too late.

Scar heard his mother shriek, and he lifted the dresser.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Scar! I- wait how are you doing that?" His mother asked and his father stood up and cheered, helping lift the dresser.

"Ha! My son's powers are growing!" Scar's father hugged Scar tightly and Scar laughed.

"Super strength! Didn't expect that one, but I'm proud of you." Scar's father said before helping his wife put the dresser back up.

Scar smiled, feeling happy.


"So, Scar, you're 13 now. Let's see if you have any other power besides your strength." Scar's father said, taking him outside for Scar to see a target, a bow, and some arrows.

"What's this for?" Scar asked, picking up the bow.

"This is for us to see if you have the power I think you might have."

Scar tilted his head.

"You see, my dad had a power to have arrows do the amount of damage he wanted them too. I never got that power, but maybe you did." Scar's father explained, having Scar stand a couple feet away from the target.

"What? How do I do that?" Scar asked, confused and a bit worried.

"Well, my dad always said he just pictured in his mind what he wanted to happen."

"So...I just do that? What do I picture?"

"How about you just picture fire? Don't worry, the target was my dad's, so it should resist anything you throw at it."

Scar nodded hesitantly before aiming at the target.

He was shaking a bit and his father put his hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Scar. This is just practice."

"I know, I just...want to be able to be your sidekick at some point." Scar said, smiling shyly.

Scar's father smiled proudly, "You will, I promise you."

Scar nodded and took a deep breath before looking back at the target.

Just focus. He thought before imaging a fire and releasing the arrow.

The arrow struck the target, lighting it on fire.

Scar's eyes widened and his father cheered.

"Yes! That's what I'm talking about!"

"I- I did it!" Scar said and his father chuckled.

"I knew you could."


"Seems like our favorite superhero now has a new sidekick who he announced was called 'Hot Guy'. Let's see what this sidekick can do to help save the city."

Scar's mother smiled as she saw the news.

"You got this, Scar. Show 'em who's boss." She whispered.


"Citizens, today is a day I have been waiting for since my sidekick joined me." Scar's father said, nodding towards Scar before turning back to the crowd of people.

"Today, I am retiring, and Hot Guy is going to take over as the town's superhero." Scar's father said, causing an outburst.

Some people asked why, others said that Hot Guy was too young, and others wished him well on his retirement.

"I think that Hot Guy is more than ready to take over. And besides, I took over when I was around his age. I hope you all welcome your new superhero!"

Present Day (switch to first person)-

I smiled, hopping from building to building, doing a surveillance of the city.

Some may know me as Hot Guy, the town's superhero,

others may know me as Scar, the school's student body president.

I love my life, though it is draining at times.

The first couple weeks of my father's retirement were rough, but I adjusted to it and was able to keep the city safe as well as balance my schoolwork at the same time.

I hopped back onto the balcony of my house and entered, taking off my superhero outfit.

"Everything safe?" My father asked, and I nodded.

"Good." He said, patting my back.

"Where's mom? I thought she took Friday's off."

"She's next door, helping our new neighbors unpack."

I blinked, confused.

"New neighbors?"

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