Pilot (final)

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"Well, this just once do!" Alastor said and his staff appeared in his hand, "I supposed I can cash in a few favors to live things up!" Alastor said and he snapped his fingers, the fireplace started to light/fire up and there was something fell down in the fireplace that looks like a demon fell down in the fireplace.

Timeskip after Husk and Niffty's introduction. (I apologize for skipping because my brain have no clue)

"Hey, hey, hey! No! No bar! No alcohol! This supposed to be a place that describes us in! Not some kind of- now- brothel- Man crave!" (I think that's what Vaggie said?) Vaggie said but got tackled by Angel Dust. "SHUT UP! SHUT! UP!" Angel Dust shushed Vaggie, while Charlie and the two (Y/N and Paimon, but Xiao didn't) were flinched. "We're keeping this!" He said and he pointed his fingers at the bar. Angel Dust appeared and sit next to Husk and started to flirt with the cat demon (Husk).

"Hey~" Angel Dust flirty said and Husk was not interested in him, "Go somewhere else by yourself." Husk said annoyingly but Angel Dust didn't care. "Only have you watch me~" Angel Dust flirty said again as he grabbed Husk's face close to him, but Charlie jumped on the bar counter and her face was closer to Husk, Angel Dust walked away.

"Oh my gosh! Welcome to the happy hotel! You are going to love it here!" Charlie said excitedly, but Husk was not in mood. "I lost the ability to love years ago." Husk said and he continued to drink the bottle of wine. Meanwhile, Paimon talking to Y/N and Xiao about something.

"Vaggie said something was reminds Paimon of Diona, that cat demon reminds me of Diluc but not the same as him." Paimon said as Husk's cat ears twitches just like the cat's ears twitches when it hear something. "Do you know I can hear you?" Husk said as he pointed at Paimon and she flinched, "I don't know who the heck are 'Diona' and 'Diluc' you talking about, but you sounds like you know them." He said and continued to drink again.

Alastor walked towards Charlie and asked to her "Sooo, what do you think?". Charlie turned to Alastor and said excitedly "This is amazing!". "It's okay." Vaggie said in bored or with no mood, and Alastor chuckled. "This is going to be entertainment!" He said as he hugged them and then the music started.

Alastor was about to finished to sing, but he got interrupted by the explosion. Niffty got slammed by the door, they peeked/walked out the hole and see the airship.

It revealed that it's a snake demon named Sir Pentious, "Hah! Well, well, well look who is it, harboring the Strymon freak. We meet yet again, Alastor!" He said, but Alastor said "Do I know you?". "Huh? The snake demon knows Alastor? But Alastor didn't know him?" Paimon said confusedly, "I think he sounds like he's mocking snake demon to me." Y/N said as Paimon said 'Oh'.

Sir Pentious heard what Alastor said, and he was angry. "Oh yes, you do! And this time I have the element of surprise!" He said and he started to laugh, Y/N and Paimon saw Alastor snapped his fingers. When Xiao was about to attack the airship with his spear, he saw the portal below the airship and there were many black tentacles started to attack/destroy the airship.

The black tentacles wrapped around the airship and it exploded. Alastor grinned widely, the others look so shocked to see that, Y/N, Xiao and Paimon were surprised to see Alastor used that kind of power. "What was that for?" Paimon whispers to Y/N, "I'm not sure, but Alastor snapped his fingers and then it started happened" Y/N whispers, the others looked at Alastor who grinned widely.

"Well, I'm starved! Who wants some Jambalaya?" Alastor asked as the others snapped out and the three (Y/N, Xiao and Paimon) confused for heard what Alastor said about 'Jambalaya', he continued to speak "My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya. In fact, In nearly kill her! *chuckles* You could say that kick was right out of hell! Ohohoh, I'm on a roll!", the others followed Alastor who went back to hotel.

Alastor continued to speak again "Yes, sir! This is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set.". The scene moved to (I think this is called?) the sign called 'HAPPY HOTEL', but it changed to 'HAZBIN HOTEL'. "Stay tuned........" Alastor said with deep radio voice (I think?).

This is the end of the pilot episode, I apologize if this looks bad because my brain ran out of ideas to type those words.

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