Pilot (part 1)

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In the red sky, two portals appeared in the red sky. Two girls fell out one of the portal and a boy fell out one of the portal. The three were about to hit the ground, a boy use teleportation on the roof of the building, a floating child fly down next to a boy and last a female use wind gilding to the where the two land on.

The three standing on the roof of the building, they look around and they noticed the place doesn't look like Teyvat to them. "Uhhhh, where are we? This place looks uhhhhh, weird?" A floating child named Paimon asked. "Ummm, I'm not sure. But this place doesn't look like Teyvat." A boy named Xiao said, a girl named Y/N saw the sign said 'Welcome to Hell'.

Y/N tapped Xiao and Paimon's shoulders, the two turn their heads to her. "Huh? What is it, traveler?" Paimon asked, Y/N pointed at the sign. Paimon and Xiao look at the sign said, "Huh? Hell? Paimon never heard about the place called 'hell'." Paimon said, Xiao use his fingers under his chin to thinking something. "...... I assume we are in another world." Xiao said.

"Oh! Paimon see!" Paimon said happily but her eyes wided because she realized what Xiao said, "Wait- Paimon is sorry, we are in what?!" Paimon shouted. Her and Y/N were shocked what Xiao said.

"Are you saying that we are in another world, because of this place?!" Paimon asked loudly

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"Are you saying that we are in another world, because of this place?!" Paimon asked loudly. "Yes, but you need to stop shouting." Xiao said to Paimon to stop shouting. "Oh, sorry about that. Because you made us surprise for you saying that." Paimon apologized.

"..." Xiao was silent. "Uhhhhh, how about we should go to somewhere else we need to stay?" Paimon asked. "Oh, that sounds good idea." Y/N speak "But are we gonna jump to the roof to roof?". "Uhhhhh, maybe Xiao can use teleportation!" Paimon said as she pointed at Xiao who was arm crossed, he was silent but he said "You really think I use my teleportation for you?".

"Come on, Xiao! Just once!" Paimon begged while she use her puppy eyes and Y/N seems like she did the same thing as Paimon. Xiao saw Y/N and Paimon using puppy eyes, he look away and took a deep breath. "Fine." Xiao accepted Paimon's request. Paimon cheering for Xiao accepted her request, Y/N looked at her and smiled because she was always like that

Xiao walked to the two girls and touched their shoulders because he ready to use his teleportation, he took a deep breath and then the three teleported.

The three were teleported, "Did it worked?" Paimon asked as the three turn around and saw the tall building with the sign said 'HAPPY HOTEL'

The three were teleported, "Did it worked?" Paimon asked as the three turn around and saw the tall building with the sign said 'HAPPY HOTEL'

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Paimon and Y/N were shocked

because of how tall is that building, Xiao seems not surprised

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because of how tall is that building, Xiao seems not surprised

"What the heck?! How tall is this building?" Paimon asked loudly, "..." Xiao and Y/N were silent. "I think we should stay here. Right, Xiao?" Y/N asked Xiao as she turned to him and he turned to her and stared at the tall building. "...... Fine, I guess we should stay here." Xiao answered as he started to walk towards the doors, Paimon and Y/N started follow him.

The three were standing in front of the doors, they turned their heads to each other and nodded, and then Y/N started to knock the doors.

That's all, I apologize if the words were incorrect. If you see something incorrect, let me know. I don't know why I typed these kind of words

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