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The duo along with you reached the gate of the school . It was pretty crowdy where students were rushing to go either home or cram school. While Arata and Rahan were busy chatting, the brunette slightly nudged you, signalling you to leave.

"Uh sorry. I forgot something in the class-- " you instantly acted up as natural as possible and lied. You excused yourself while the duo stopped chatting and listened to you "Sorry to ruin the fun. You guys go ahead. It will probably take me a while..."

"We can go together," Arata suggested and Rahan in the back made the worst wrinkled scowl ever, enough to make a grown man cry.

"No. It's fine. I'll take care of it. " you remained loyal to your words and realising he can't force you against your will, Arata let you go— which, hands down, was quite surprising. Was your plan finally successful? At least you progressed a step in your goal! And if that was the case then you'd take complete advantage of that.

Grabbing your bag straps tightly you pretended to run inside the school. Didn't matter whether your words were truth or lie but you had to play it out for the lie to be a fruitful truth for another person's eye right?

Sighing and relaxing, you leaned against the doorway , reaching for your phone in the pocket.

Only to feel nothing.

Huh? Where did your phone go?

After fumbling around your uniform for a while you realised you had indeed forgotten something.

How ironic. Your lie actually turned out to be the truth.

But then an apprehensive doubt crept your from the deepest depth of your stomach.

Are you sure this was not a canon event?

Or did Rahan deliberately hid your phone for you to actually leave ? You couldn't tell.

Climbing upstairs, you finally reached the classroom. By now the school hallways were completely empty, even the students with cleaning duty were nowhere to be seen. You slid the door of your class open and approached your desk hoping you'd find your phone — only to be met with disappointed when you found it empty too.

Where the heck did your phone go? Oh no, did somebody steal it?! You began sweat dropping realising you'd be so dead if your fictional parents find out about it.

"[Name]? " a meek voice called out while you were busy pulling your hair out. You immediately stopped and turned to find the classmate, Aoi, who was on cleaning duty today. "Are you searching for your phone? " he asked.

You widened your eyes in surprise "How do you know? "

"I found it while cleaning the desk and waited a bit just in case you'd come to the class. "

Well, that was quite considerate.

"Oh... thanks. Can you give it back then? " you asked.

The boy didn't meet your gaze. "No."

Now that was not so considerate.

You deadpanned "What? Why?! " you exclaimed.

"Because I don't have it. My cleaning partner, Dai , took it with him saying he would return it to you tomorrow. If you go to the auditorium, I'm sure you'll catch him in time."

You ran your fingers through your hair in frustrated. Why the fuck did he have to complicate things up?! "Ugh, fine. I'll go." With that you sprinted towards towards the auditorium while Aoi watched as you left.

He immediately removed his phone from the pocket, a nefarious look masking his face. Dialing a number, the person at the other end picked up. "He's coming. Be ready" he mumbled and another voice with a vile undertone resonated from the other side, replying "Got it."


NOTE: Hmm? What's going to happen in next chapter 👀 *sips tea ☕ * No idea. Anyways i had half of the chapter written 3 months ago and wrote half of it in the past month, writers block is a bish I'm telling you 🤧 ++ i was on a break 👀 so i hope you guys understand. It may sometimes look the book is discontinued but you'll definitely find me updating later lol. anyways, don't forget to leave a comment 😤 that's how i realised it had been a while and i needed to update lmao. Have a great day y'all.

PERILOUS INSTINCTS | an omegaverse parodyWhere stories live. Discover now