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Your grandma use to say "Whenever a person is going to be in peril in future, their soul becomes agitated. So remember, whenever you feel uneasy chills always stay a day behind and take precautions. Precaution is better than cure"

You use to think it was just joke. Who would actually stay behind at home when there could be a chance the peril was at house too? It was obviously just a saying . A saying to trick children into always being cautious so they didn't get in trouble. A way of parents to manipulate them..But now when a hooded uniformed guy held a knife in his trembling hands pointed at you threateningly you were sure of it. your grandma wasn't goofing around.

"You... You scumbag! Stay away from MY ARATA. You're seducing him! " yelled the guy.

That explains your goosebumps and chills in the morning. Damn your grandma was actually right. Your apprehension wasn't a joke.

You raised your hands, surrendering but also not surrendering ,looking at him with apathetic eyes "Look, I think there's a misunderstanding here.... "

The guy retorted harshly "No, there no misunderstanding! You're the one manipulating my Arata! You're the one stealing his pureness and innocence." A great surge of pheromones rushed your way giving you a throbbing headache.

Geez, the delusional level of this bastard. You rubbed your face.

Guess you'll have to teach him in his own way " What makes you think so? I'm cold , I hardly have any friends and just to make you clear I'm not interested in Arata. I don't care where he sits, what he does. It's none of my business but if he's the one who approaches and clings and doesn't take no for an answer. Is it still my fault for his clinginess or that I'm his type? "

"Yes it is! " The guy fumbled. "You're stealing him away from me" You knew he looked rather calm and collected around the class usually but it seemed like his twisted feelings got the best of him and it was evident he was scared. That he didn't want to do this either and had no interest in violence. It was only his desperation and loneliness that was leading him here.

You stepped forward "Don't come closer! Don't— or I swear. I swear I will kill you! "

"Is killing really the option?" you questioned "Do you think you'll be able to get away? There are cameras watching you, your finger tips are all over the knife . Your appearance although hooded is enough for the police to catch you" you continued "This isn't like you Rahan. " The male flinched at the mention of his name while you still stepped closer "Off all the things where we could have talked it out easily why did you chose this path? " you grabbed the knife knowing he was only trying to induce trauma over you to stay away.

He's not the type. He's not the type to hurt people. That knife is probably fake.


"Ack" you whined , drops of red falling on the ground with the bleeding cut "Geez, I didn't expected this from you" You yanked your hand to get rid of the blood but it only induced more pain. Eventually you gave up dealing with the male and pressed on the wound.

You looked at the male only to see his face turn red and smoke come out of his ears. To say he was infuriated would be an understatement.

Aw shucks you were going to die...

He opened his mouth and you braced yourself for the incoming knife when "That asshole scammed me ! " he hollered like a volcanic eruption making you flinch "He gave me a real knife instead of a rubber one! That motherfucking swine robbed me—" he cussed and cussed while your muscles relaxed.

It looked like you were right afterall but you had to admit you were a little traumatised as you step back.

Today was quite a peculiar day.


Today indeed was quite a peculiar day.

Currently you were sitting in the office with your very own assaulter( if that's what you call it) cutting the bandages with a knife like cutting onions. Why you ask? Because apparently there was a huge activity going on with the art club and they decided to raid the entire school for scissors for their stock.

And the knife Rahan had bought? Turns out it was actually the World's sharpest knife he had received in the bargaining.

You were concerned whether it was meant to be a prank. If it were it surely was a dangerous one considering that person must hate him to bestow pain upon him. If it was a misplacement then it could be manual carelessness.

So eventually it wasn't Rahan's fault.

But it was.

He only wanted to threaten you with a rubber knife.

But he didn't care to check if it was real.

You were really conflicted with your thought process.

"Argh " you whinced as Rahan wrapped the bandaid around the wound. You never expected him to be gentle since he hated you to begin with. Hated you for stealing 'His Arata' from him. How wonderful.

Just when you thought he was done, Rahan stopped. His hand still in yours, his stoic eyes glared at your hand in a dead pan.

What the heck was he thinki—

"AAHHHHHH" you let out a shriek as the male dung his finger into your wrapped wound. The blood he had cleared only a few sections oozing out of the wound as you trembled with agonizing pain "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU—"

"Stay away from him" his eyes glinted darkly while his face didn't show a gist of emotions. "Don't talk to him. Don't touch him. Don't even neet his gaze" His voice was stone cold and deep and goosebumps ran across your body. "Don't take anything from him and don't eat with him. Stay away"

Only few minutes ago he was acting all concerned and dumb — giving the aura that he couldn't hurt a mosquito. But now ... Now he was acting like a completely different person. Like a villain.

What was this? Borderline personality disorder?!

He certainly wasn't as simply as you had interpreted him to be.

You had to do something about this.

You whipped your hand back before he decided to torment you again "Hah , you think that's easy? " you scoffed trying to control the anxiety from hindering your voice "I'm telling you it's that bastard—"

"Don't call him that-"

"..... " you paused "I'm telling you, he's the one doing it! It's not my fault budd... Buddy! I'm also trying to run from him but that asshol- " you halted "I mean that guy follows me around. " you explained him the circumstance before an idea clicked in.

"Hey.... " you glared at him sharply "You like him don't you? "

That seemed to catch the male off guard as he blushed profusely "W... What?! "

"You like him...but you don't just like him. You like him a lot! "

"Why the fuck are you—"

"Then how about I introduce you? "

"No that would be ridicul-" he paused "Wait... What the hell did you say? "

"How about I introduce you? You like him and I need to get him off me. So why don't I introduce you! "

"But I'm not ready! "

"What?! You've been admiring him from afar ...taking it as far as threatening to kill me and now when you finally have the opportunity to get with him you're declining? " Hah, you should have seen this coming...

Shy obsessive motherfuc-

This was the reason he was single-

"But I'm not declining your offer. "

Your eyes met his and suddenly you realised you knew both of you were thinking the same thing.


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