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Turns out the male ( who also happened to be your school mate, a class lower than you) wasn't drunk. Instead he was going through his first ever heat cycle which occurred earlier than expected — prolly induced due to the beef he had with his significant other.

And you, yes YOU were the unfortunate victim of it. You were already sensitive to pheromones from the beginning but having them practically thrown over you from both, Isagi as well as Arata ,had induced a pheromone shock. And you had pretty much ended up passed out.

"Yes, breathe in and out slowly" gestured the doctor.

The manager of the restaurant had fortunately called the paramedics for Isagi as well as you as soon as he was notified and both of you were given appropriate treatment for it. Arata and every teen who wasn't in control of their pheromones was told to keep their distance since your condition was sensitive , which was, hands down a sensible decision considering everyone stinking the entire place with their pheromones like the middle school boys do with their Axe body spray. A migraine was dancing in your head but overall you were fine, just a bit woozy. They had even called up your parents to pick you up so you were sure nothing was going to escalate from there on.

And the best thing?

You had successfully escaped Rahan's you-stole-away-my-spotlight wrath! Even though he stood at the distance his burning gaze was relatively less violent with you but Arata? Well ,he was weird. He wasn't behaving the way you had predicted he would behave. Not giving you the 'oh no what happened to my future lover' or 'are you trying to make me feel bad ?' look. Instead of sobbing his heart out and blaming himself, he looked extremely pissed instead. And not even on Isagi. He looked more pissed at you.

What did you even do to him?

Wait, was your plan successful? You chuckled humourlessly trying to figure out if it was actually a good thing. Sure, you wanted him to grow out of you, but not particular in this manner. At this rate he might end up becoming a yandere and killing you instead!

You groaned and thinking it was a call for pain, the paramedic immediately snapped "Are you hurt somewhere else? Do you need something for the pain? "

You laughed trying to soothe his worry "I'm fine. I was just sighing."

Geez, this paramedic seemed like a worry brat. Still, the pheromone shock was kind of off putting.

Why did i have to get reincarnated in such a weak body which can't even handle pheromones? If some yandere attacked you out of the blue you were sure you'd die from the pheromones even before he could damage a hair on your head!

You cussed, dark aura radiating from your body.

And that's when you spotted a couple at a distance, who looked worried. Normally , you wouldn't pay attention to the crowd but the peculiarly between them was so humongus you couldn't help but gasp.

That omega.... What the fuck, he looked like an ant in comparison to that elephant alpha! And his features? Why the fuck did he look like a fifteen year old girl? Seriously what was wrong with the ships in this world? One thing you had noticed in here was that the omegas were excessively sexualised with femininity while the alpha with masculinity. You couldn't even understand the logic behind it.

Ugh, you hated omegaverse. This shit was insane. Why couldn't you be born into a normal fiction instead?!

"Your parents are here " called the same paramedic and their car pulled over. You got up from the ambulance, while your parents rushed towards you to see if you were okay.

"My baby! " cried your mother and you internally cringed with embarrassment. Sure, she was worried however you loathed this feeling of making others worried for you. It made you feel as if you were weak even after knowing you could handle things which were way more tougher.

"Now let's get going," you ushered briefly returning the hug, wanting to go home already. Your plan was such an epic fail you were practically dying to avoid Rahan's eye contact.

No way were you interested in seeing his face and his intentions after everything that happened.

"But don't you want to greet your friend before going? You won't be seeing them for a while because of the shock." Your mother gestured.

You blinked. Right. You won't be seeing them and that was actually some fine good news! It made you feel better knowing you'd have the time to rest , handle and mediate through everything. Despite not wanting to greet, you simply waved them good bye with a closed eyed smile (to avoid seeing their faces) which was returned with unenthusiastic and fake smiles in presence of your mother.

As you were ushered into the car, you unfortunately made one last eye contact with Arata and Rahan... only to find both of them glaring back with firefly blazing eyes— with a hint of coldness in Arata's eyes. .

Wow, you had such great friends.

You hoped they weren't planning your murder behind your back.

With that your first ever wingman plan ended horrendously.


PERILOUS INSTINCTS | an omegaverse parodyWhere stories live. Discover now