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If there was anything you knew... Then that was Omegaverse was fucking shit.

A world divided by sexuall orientations? Alpha, omega, beta, seriously? You were baffled how people even got into the genre or even had the idea to create the genre. Of course it could be for their...purpose to quench their thirst of 'desires' but you weren't amused.

You were rather disgusted and traumatised.

You couldn't even imagine living a world like omegaverse, where omegas were super vulnerable, physically weak and often prone to being taken inappropriate advantage off while dominant alphas dominated the world with their physique and talents. Half of them either CEOs or leaders of the underworld or kids of super rich parents who were alpha and omega couple. Of course there could be talented omegas too but their field of expertise or progress would be scarce. There was a low bar an omega ended up becoming a CEO or someone who was super successful because of how much the other people would look down upon them or take advantage of them.

Heck ,you could even bring yourself to think what they must be going through.

You could definitely feel the pain and remorse they would feel when they would be medically declared as 'omega'. The terror that could bring upon them. Not only for them but their family members too considering they'll be unsafe unless they're properly protected.

As if that wasn't already unsafe enough then the genre-creator had also introduced 'heat cycles' where it was absolutely impossible to deal with their emotions or drives without being on pills. And apparently, half of the time half the characters accidentally forget to take them and ended up doing the unholy.

Haha , what a sickening joke.

How could they forget to take the most important thing in their world? Pills were more important than oxygen in that world due to the lore! You were sure if you were one them then the first thing you'd do in the morning instead of peeing or brushing or even breathing would be to swallow that pill with gallons of water down your throat until you eventually feared your unholy drive was dead. You would even care if you went sterile at that point — there were numerous orphans in the world. If you ever felt like having a kid you would simply adopt one — best thing for both. You as well as them.....

Unless that kid wasn't an omega too.

You calmed yourself closing the book in had which you had stumbled across while cleaning through your sisters stuff.

God, who even introduced her to that dumb thing. It was so messed up!

Don't tell me she actually like those genres? You scoffed in disbelief. You definitely need to give her an earful or keep a check on her friend circle — who knows what kind of things they were introducing her to? It wasn't the best entertainment one should prefer at her age.

You slapped your hand onto your face , feeling the bile burn your throat almost about to come out of your system.

God, the world was so messed up.

Utterly and completely.

You tried to pry your thoughts away from the stupid genre and focus on other important things. You confiscated the book though. No way were you going to let her read that without a confrontation or unless she was of age.

As if omegaverse was already not enough than your hands landed on another pair books with the yandere theme.

Over the covers themselves your face burnt with both, a mixture of annoyance, embarrassment and rage.

Who the hell was introducing her to such obscene things?!

Omegaverse and yandere were the entire combo of buggered up.

PERILOUS INSTINCTS | an omegaverse parodyWhere stories live. Discover now