chapter 70 aunt yellow battles a monster

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The blue monster spread out its wings and rushed to yellow diamond, flying over all buildings and thankfully causing no more destruction to beach city. Yellow gave Steven to the other gems and powered up, covering her body in a sheild of lighting. the corruption dived on her and began its attack, yellow was able to hold it off, pushing it back ever so slightly with blasts of electricity.

"My steven, we must leave!", pearl cried, Steven refused to move, he knew that monster was still his mother and there must be some way he could reverse the corruption. "No pearl!", Steven yelled back to her, getting dangerously close to the fight, "I'm staying here I need to try and help my m-", "WATCH OUT", lapis yelled, grabbing Steven and flying off with him, where he was standing the gigantic clawed fist of the corruption slammed down on the floor, if it weren't for lapis he'd be dead.

The corruption got up from the floor and roared at yellow diamond, eventhough it was more than double her size, yellow was much more skilled at fighting, the monster just attacked randomly and didn't think at all about what they where doing. "Blue!", yellow yelled, summoning her weapon, a gigantic sword and pointing it to the monster, "End this now!", the corruption roared again and shot a large blue beam of energy out its mouth, yellow barely dodged it, having to duck down in the ocean to avoid it, the beam hit what was left of the crystal gem's base, destroying the entire mountain.

"What is happening to my grand clarity!?"Holly blue cried, watching in horror as she saw blue and yellow continue to fight. She'd never seen anything like this. "she's gone corrupted", amethyst said, summoning two whips, "the only way to stop her, it to defeat her!"She rushed to the corruption, holly blue attempted to command her to stop but she didn't listen. Pearl followed after her, summoning her rapier, "Amethyst!", she yelled, "Stop! You'll die", but Amethyst didn't listen.

The corruption picked yellow diamond up in its hands and started to throw her around, yellow even though she was being bashed into the ocean floor was still holding her sword and attempting to attack, she threw her sword to the corruption's chest aiming for the gem but barely missed, still stabbing it and causing it to bleed. The monster dropped yellow and screeched, holding its bleeding chest and stumbling away. "HEY YOU THERE!", Amethyst yelled, the monster looked down and saw amethyst trying to hit it's feet with whips, the two whips did nothing, the corruption could barely feel anything, "what are you gonna do b.d!", she joked to the corruption who just looked down at her and growled.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GET AWAY!", pearl screamed, pulling on amethyst and trying to drag her away from what used to be blue diamond, "I'm fighting a corruption! What are you doing!", Amethyst yelled back, "IM SAVING YOU FROM THIS MONSTER", pearl screeched, picking up amethyst and throwing her as far away as she could, the corruption started to growl more and more after pearl spoke and a aura of blue energy started to surround it again, pearl prepared to run away but was crushed under it's foot, poofing and returning to her gem, amethyst ran and grabbed the gem, quickly avoiding the monster trying to step on her. "Lapis, take this!", Amethyst yelled, throwing Pearl's gem to lapis who catched it and gave it to steven.

"Did this to pearl?", Steven said, holding Pearl's gem and fighting away tears, "her gem doesn't seem damaged hopefully she'll be back soon", lapis said, "steven you must leave, your life is at risk!", holly blue told him, now summoning her whips and preparing to try and attack with amethyst. "NO! IM STILL NOT LEAVING", Steven yelled back to her, "lapis! I have a plan but I need your help!", lapis nodded, "yes, my diamond", she said, saluting him.

Holly blue and amethyst tried to trip up blue with their whips, but their weapons were instantly ripped just by the steps the monster took. When the monster saw holly blue was there, she attempted to stab her with her tail, nearly getting her gem, and destroying the ground below them, creating a ginormous crator by the ocean. Yellow diamond prepared a giant ball of electricity and shot it at blue, she was able to grab it with her hands and take the damage, eventhough the monster seemed out of breath after and damaged, it quickly dashed to yellow again, raising its hands to attack but then, water chains and handcuffs surrounded the monster's hands and legs and pulled them back, lapis and steven where able to trap her.

"good work steven", yellow congratulated him, summoning her sword and preparing her next attack, covering her body in electricity once again. As yellow rushed to the corruption to finish the fight, the monster broke through the chains and kicked yellow in the stomach right before she was able to stab it's gem, it then turned to face lapis and steven, grabbing lapis and throwing her to the city, causing her to hit fish stew pizza and destroy its roof.

"NOOOO!", Steven cried, yellow tried to tackle the corruption but was thrown off, "damn you blue!", yellow huffed, she was now very exhausted and out of breath, she has already wasted so much energy, "I knew you always had these meltdowns, but I never expected you to get like this", she knelt down in the ocean, barely holding onto her sword as it approached her, toxic drool pouring from its mouth as it prepared to end the fight. Holly blue and amethyst lay on the ground, knowing their attack was useless, pearl was poofed and lapis wasted so much energy trying to trap blue with steven she could barely fly back, Steven was the only one left who could fight.

"MUM PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!", Steven cried, the dark blue aura of sadness came from him and effected all the gems and humans of beach city, blue turned to him and and started to walk away from yellow, beginning to approach him slowly. Steven wiped away his tears and tried to talk again, "mum! This isn't you! What's happening! Please tell me! Do you even recognise me?", he had to pause to gasp for air, his crying had become hysterical. "mum...please...I miss you, I just want you back to normal, I wish we never went to beach city, I wish dad never met rose, I wish we could've just been happy and you wouldn't have been hurt, I'm so sorry mum, I shouldn't have told you". Suddenly, the monster yelped and covered its head, running away from Steven then tripping and falling into the ocean.

Yellow got up and prepared to try and attack it, summoning her sword and slowly approached it. "whats going on?", lapis asked, flying next to steven, "I don't know?", he studdered, "I was trying to talk to her and then she fell over." As yellow approached it, an aura came from its body and surrounded everything. The familar dark blue aura quickly effected yellow, causing tears to form in her eyes, it then hit amethyst and Holly blue, who where fleeing to Steven's home, then it hit lapis who lost her wings because of its power and fell to the ground crying, then it finally hit steven, causing all near by humans to now be effected.

The corruption turned around to face steven. It was now crying uncontrollably. Its eyes were no longer black and had returned to blue diamond's normal eyes, but its body was still corrupted. Steven gasped as he saw this and jumped to blue, yelling, "Mum! Mum! You're healing!", but the corruption turned away from Steven, spreading out its wings and flying away, Steven tried to follow it, jumping off the cliff to try and grab on but missing and falling, before he hit the floor, he himself was finally able to summon his own wings.

"Damn it, she's gone now. Where could she have gone to?", yellow asked, readjusting her helmet, "I know exactly where", Steven said, flying around with his new wings, "i need everyone to follow after me!", steven flew in the same direction blue did at a speed impossible for humans, lapis saluted and picked up amethyst and Holly blue, following after him.

Before yellow herself followed after she looked around, at the ruins of beach city, especially as where the mountain blue destroyed once was, there in the rubble was pink diamond. "My diamond! My diamond! Are you ok!?", her pearl frantically asked, trying to move her. Her form was badly damaged, but her gem wasn't, she'd be able to recover on her own. "Yeah, pearl, don't worry, I'm OK!", pink said, but quickly froze as she saw yellow diamond looking over them, her face enraged.

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