Part 13

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Sarita: I... I'm bit... Oh god... Y/N... it bit me... I'm dead. I'm dead...

Y/N: You have to stay calm before they notice you.

Sarita: It doesn't matter... I'm bit. Oh, god. 

Kenny: Oh god. Sarita! 

Mike: Oh shit! She's-

Kenny: She's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. Come on! We have to move. We have to!

Kenny grabbed Sarita and ran though the walkers.

Y/N: Come on you two. 

Following behind was hard as the horde surrounded us until we completely blocked by the amount of walkers in the way and one of them noticed us, but thankfully Clem cut it's hand off as I stabbed it head killing it. 

Luke: I'm goin' after Sarah! 

Luke ran by with Nick and again we lost them in the horde.

Clem: Kenny?!

Y/N: Clem, Mia stick with me all right?

Mia nodded while Clem spoke.

Clem: Alright. 

Turning around I saw a walker creeping up on me and I quickly stabbed its hand off then it's head before seeing another one shot in the head and falling on top of Clem. Lifting the body Mia and I moved the body off of Clem.

Clem: Thank you.

Y/N: Let's quickly reapply the walkers guts in case they can smell us again.

Clem: Good idea.

As we opened the walker that was dead by us we quickly covered ourselves in its guts and started moving again with me in the front. As we walked I heard Clem panic and I turned seeing Rebecca held Clem, so I grabbed Mia and we moved towards them.

Rebecca: Thank god. 

Clem: We can't find anybody. 

Rebecca: I know. What do we do? Luke was with me but... I... I can't do this alone...

Y/N: We're still covered in walker guts. All we need is a clear path out of here. 

Rebecca: You're right. Look. The walkers are still moving toward the hardware store. We can make it out if we stick together-- 

Seeming to be in pain she stopped talking until it seemed to pass.

Rebecca: I'm glad you're both here. We can watch each other's backs. 

Clem: We'll stick with you. 

Rebecca: Thank you. We need a clear path to the trees... Maybe they're thinning out somewhere. Do you see any openings? 

Y/N: Follow me. 

Moving forwards it was immediately blocked by walkers.

Rebecca: Dammit! Go back, go back. 

We started moving back until Clem walked into Jane. 

Clem: Jane!

Rebecca: Jane, thank god- 

Jane: Stop. Relax. You need to walk. SLOWLY. You'll be fine. 

Rebecca walked towards some trees to cover herself.

Rebecca: I can't do this. You have to help us... Please.

Jane: We can't clump together like this... It's better if we spread out. You two will be fine...

Rebecca: No, you don't understand. Just help us. 

Jane: You guys are fine. Just go. 

Mia: Please, help us.

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