part 10

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We were waiting as Sarah had to go to the restroom so Clem also went with her. After waiting in the back of a truck the door was opened and we saw Clem and Sarah both tied.

Sarita: Are you guys okay?

Kenny: The hell did he do to you? Hey! Did he hurt you? Hey. Hey!

The guy ignored up and closed the door and the truck started to move again. After a bit of time passed Kenny spoke up.

Kenny: All right, we gotta do something. Come on. Anyone got something sharp? Anything? We need to get these bindings off. Hey! Y/N, Clem help me find something to get these off. Anything sharp that could cut these off.

Rebecca: How is that going to help?

Kenny: The hell is wrong with you people? We gotta get out of here.

They kept arguing back and forth and Mia stayed close to me after what happened.

Y/N: Shut up!

Everyone turned and looked at me. I brought my foot closer and searched in the heel of my hiking boots until I felt a hole that was covered. Moving the tape I pulled out a small knife and handed it to Kenny, and when I did everyone just stated at me.

Y/N: What? Have to be prepared in this type of world.

Kenny got up and walked over taking the knife.

Kenny: Thank you Y/N.

Carlos: Both of you are going to get us all killed!

Kenny: Y'all dont know what you're talking about. We get cooped up in some kennel like a bunch of fuckin' dogs its over.

Rebecca: You don't know that.

Kenny: Yeah? Well, I've been in this situation before. You ever been a prisoner?

Clem: Kenny's right... We have to do something. We can't just sit here.

Kenny: How is it the kids is the only one who can see whats going on here?

Carlos: Clem, the adults are talking.

Y/N: Talking? Sounds like children bickering.

Kenny: All right, now we're talkin'.

Kenny handed me my knife as I hid it away.

Carlos: Carver will be on the other side of that door with ten people.

Mia: Big brother will we be okay?

Y/N: We will don't you worry. For now just follow their rules. I'll find a way out.

Mia: Okay I believe you.

Next thing I know is we stopped roughly and Kenny slammed into the door making him dazed a bit.

Sarita: Kenny! Kenny, are you okay?

Rebecca: Is he okay?

Sarita: I think so.

Kenny: Oh... What hit me?

Y/N: Lost a fight to a door.

Carlos: Probably for the best.

???: Goddamn breaks ain't working for shit.

The door of the truck opened and we saw some idiot who couldn't use the breaks and two others.

???: Alright up and at 'em.

We all started getting up and leaving the truck.

???: The fuck? How'd you get your restraints off? C'mere.

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